
多様性の中にある「自己」 The "self" within diversity


This week, I am still in Kuala Lumpur.


I have mentioned the diversity of Malaysia's ethnic groups almost every week, and this is equally true for languages. Although the official language of Malaysia is Malay (Bahasa Malaysia), the reality is far more complex. Walking through the streets, you will hear languages like Chinese (mainly Cantonese and Hokkien), Tamil, and others.


This linguistic diversity is closely related to Malaysia's history. The history of immigration since the colonial era has shaped the current complex linguistic environment. In addition to the official language, you can also hear Hindi and various Chinese languages on a daily basis.


In encountering various languages in daily life, I still find it challenging to instantly understand which language is being spoken. What do I do in such situations? Well, I just stick to English. This leads to the idea of how to assert one's point.


Japan is a society with strong social pressure for conformity, where cooperation with others is valued over self-assertion. However, in a multi-ethnic environment like Malaysia, that doesn’t work as well. The United States is also a country with similar diversity. Each of its 50 states has its own unique culture, with various races and ethnicities coexisting. The official language is English, but there are many Spanish speakers, and bilingual regions are not uncommon. India, with its dozens of official languages, can also be said to be similar.


In such multilingual and multicultural environments, it is not about conforming with others, but rather about how to assert oneself, which means having a "self-axis."


How can one find their self-axis? I think it's important to be alone sometimes. There may be a negative image of being alone in society, but I don't think that's the case. Rather, I feel that it is crucial in this era to consciously take time to be alone.


In today's society, where the internet and social media are widespread, being constantly connected with others is the norm. However, amidst the interaction with various information and people, one's values may waver. At the same time, in the tide of capitalism, one may feel as if they are living "others' time" rather than "their own time."


When you are alone, you have the opportunity to have an in-depth dialogue with yourself. Through meditation and other methods, you can reflect on yourself objectively. By doing so, you may find that what you thought was a worry is not so at all, or realize that you were setting limits in your mind. You might even be able to see yourself from a bird's eye view, as if having an out-of-body experience.


There is no need to fear being alone. While it's not necessary to be alone all the time, it's also important to distance yourself from others occasionally and have time to reflect on yourself. Every day in Malaysia, I strongly realize this.


This multilingual and multicultural environment not only helps to overcome language barriers but also provides an opportunity to reflect on oneself and reaffirm one's values. While it may sometimes be challenging, it broadens our perspectives and enriches our life experiences. Each day in Malaysia is filled with such realizations.
