
人生は分散と健康 Wisdom of diversification and health


I'm still in Tokyo this week.


As this is the final installment of my travel summary, I'd like to write about "diversification" and "food and health."


First, let's talk about diversification. I think it largely pertains to assets. Since I was working in Japan, I was receiving my salary in Japanese yen. This means I was earning Japanese yen myself. Mr. Okuno from NVIC calls this "personal assets." In contrast, there are "financial assets." The idea is to make money work for you by becoming an owner of corporations. From the perspective of diversification, I had spread these "financial assets" into "dollars," that is, US stocks.


When the yen weakens, its value decreases relatively, but if you hold assets in dollars, you won't be affected. In fact, when viewed in yen terms, your assets might even appear to have increased. Of course, the opposite is also true, but there's no doubt that diversifying your assets broadens your range of options.


Diversification isn't limited to financial assets. It applies to friendships too. Isn't life more enjoyable when you have friends from various countries around the world, rather than having only Japanese friends in Japan? During this trip, I was able to visit high school friends living in different countries. Making local friends in those countries can also be considered a form of "diversification." "Diversification" means being able to have multiple perspectives, and by having friends with different cultures, lifestyles, and values, you can learn about the real aspects of local life and broaden your thinking.


Lastly, let's discuss the importance of food and health. During travels, you might stay in hostels or hotels, which don't always provide an environment suitable for cooking your own meals. Also, since the diet is different from that in Japan, choosing what to eat becomes important. What kind of food suits your body? You need to keep trying and learning through trial and error.


I'm not particularly interested in food, but through this trip, I realized the importance of meals. In Asia, you can easily enjoy cheap and delicious meals alone at food stalls or local eateries, but it wasn't the same in Europe. It felt like a choice between fast food or fancy restaurants, and I found myself stressed about choosing where to eat. When deciding where to live in the future, food will likely play a significant role in my decision-making process.


Needless to say, related to food, it's important to consider how to maintain your health. Getting adequate exercise and proper sleep is necessary no matter where you go in the world. In my case, since I often stayed in one city for about a month, I made sure to sign up for a local gym and exercise regularly. I also barely consumed any alcohol (except in Georgia). Staying healthy broadens your life choices even further.


I feel that the lessons from this trip were very significant for me. These experiences will serve as my personal assets, acting as a compass not just for future travels, but for life itself.
