
甘美な多様性の裏側 The sweet side of diversity


This week, I am in Kuala Lumpur.


Walking through the vibrant streets of Kuala Lumpur, the diversity of Malaysia is immediately apparent. As a multi-ethnic nation primarily composed of Malays, Chinese, and Indians, Malaysia's diversity is reflected in its culinary culture. The traditional dishes of each ethnic group coexist and sometimes blend, creating a unique food culture.


Malay cuisine uses plenty of coconut milk and spices, often centering around fried foods. Dishes like nasi lemak and rendang are rich in flavor and high in calories. On the other hand, Chinese cuisine is relatively light, with many steamed and stir-fried dishes. Indian cuisine features spicy and flavorful dishes like curries and tandoori.


This diverse culinary culture is one of Malaysia's attractions, but it also brings health challenges, notably obesity. Malaysia's obesity rate is the second highest in Asia, after Brunei. Walking through the streets, one notices many chubby individuals, especially among the Malays. Statistics show that the obesity rate is higher among women than men, which aligns with my observations.


The underlying issue of obesity lies in dietary habits, particularly excessive sugar consumption. Malaysia has the highest sugar consumption in Asia and is among the top globally. According to 2020 statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the World Bank, Malaysia's per capita annual sugar consumption is 61 kilograms, 2.7 times the world average of 23 kilograms. This is nearly double the consumption in the United States, indicating a national-level problem.


This excessive sugar intake leads to various health problems, not just obesity. For instance, it increases the risk of developing diabetes, as well as other lifestyle diseases like heart disease and hypertension.


Moreover, excessive sugar intake affects skin health. When the body processes large amounts of sugar, it releases inflammatory chemicals called cytokines. High levels of these chemicals can cause skin issues like redness, swelling, and acne. This is why advertisements for acne treatment clinics and skincare products are common in the city.


However, these products and services are only "surface-level" solutions to the problem. Without addressing the root causes of skin issues, external approaches alone are unlikely to bring long-term improvements. This applies not only to skin problems but to many health issues as well.

マレーシア政府も、この問題の深刻さを認識し、対策を講じようとしています。例えば、24時間営業のレストランの営業時間短縮が提案されていますが、住民の反対も根強く、即座に実行に移すのは難しい状況です。特に、マレーシアの国民的飲み物であるKopi Tarikなど、コンデンスミルク入りの甘い飲み物は、日常生活に深く根付いています。これらの飲み物は、単に嗜好品というだけでなく、社交の場での重要な要素となっており、文化的な側面も持っているという印象を受けます。また、酒を禁忌とするイスラム教の影響も少なからずあるでしょう。

The Malaysian government recognizes the severity of this issue and is attempting to implement measures. For example, shortening the operating hours of 24-hour restaurants has been proposed, but strong opposition from residents makes immediate implementation difficult. Especially popular are sweet drinks with condensed milk, like the national beverage Kopi Tarik, which are deeply ingrained in daily life. These drinks are not just a preference but an important social element, carrying cultural significance. Additionally, the influence of Islam, which prohibits alcohol, also plays a role.


In today's world, where AI-driven drug discovery and personalized medicine are gaining attention, I believe that "prevention" will become increasingly important in society, rather than mere "treatment." Reviewing daily diets and lifestyle habits and making healthy choices is clearly the most effective "medicine" in the long term. Perhaps, considering a healthy lifestyle, even religion might become more fluid.


Building a healthy future while respecting diversity is the challenge for Malaysia and each of us. This is my thought in the summer of Kuala Lumpur.
