
English diaries

English diaries for English learning. 英語学習のための日記。


#19 28. Jul. 2021

#19 28. Jul. 2021

I’ve got a Moderna arm just after 8days from the first dose.
It’s really, annoyingly itchy.
I sometimes unconsciously scratch my rest arm with the right hand, so I’m stop typing...
I hope it works ver

#18 27.Jul. 2021

#18 27.Jul. 2021

The world is constantly moving, nevertheless you are aware or not.
I always try to see an issue from multiple angles, and when I find something unnatural or strange, there’re always some kind of human

#13 22. Jul. 2021

#13 22. Jul. 2021

I suddenly gave up to struggle to adjust to this country.
I’ll prepare to live in a foreign country which I choose when my dearest cats are gone.
I would be old enough at that time, so I should carefu

#21 30. Jul. 2021

#21 30. Jul. 2021

It is extremely tough to keep writing every day. Actually, I haven't done it already.
But I’m still trying to write a diary per day in English. I should make this task into a custom.

Yesterday, I sud

#20 29. Jul. 2021

#20 29. Jul. 2021

Today final individual assignment mark was released. My paper took the best mark ever. Well, after graduation, for an additional optional course, I have taken my overall best score for the course.
I f

#17 26. Jul. 2021

#17 26. Jul. 2021

Today I memorised the word ‘sweltering’ to describe too hot and humid summer day. Knowing a new term is always a great feeling, but a sweltering summer day isn’t, though.
And, I’ve got an email inform

#16 25. Jul. 2021

#16 25. Jul. 2021

I’m in my apartment having an air conditioning machine, but still I feel the heat that comes from the concrete walls.
So hot today. There are pile of Todo on my plate but I have done nothing…lazy as u

#15 24. Jul. 2021

#15 24. Jul. 2021

One of the significant changes I have got during the COVID19 pandemic is losing muscle of the face. Facial muscles were lost mainly because I rarely talk with people. Awful.
Then I started playing sax

#14 23. Jul. 2021

#14 23. Jul. 2021

I’ve heard that BBC reporter say “I got the first dose of Pfazer jab” about vacctination and wondered what’s that.

the answer is in an article of the Guardian;
why do we call activations jabs

This i

#7 16. Jul. 2021

#7 16. Jul. 2021

Did you see Mars approached Venous close? I had thick clouds, unfortunately, but I can see the crescent moon.
I like the waxing crescent the most, but by the way, how colourless the name of the moon i

#12 21. Jul. 2021

#12 21. Jul. 2021

I’m listening to the 18th Chopin Piano Competition.
It is interesting, many competitors come and go after playing the same Chopin pieces.
Actually, I have mixed feelings about the piano, and not fee

#11 20. Jul. 2021

#11 20. Jul. 2021

I went to Soup stock in the Futakotamagawa station yesterday during the lunch break. I’m a big fan of the brand which supply us with tasty, gentle and healthy soup meals, including original (and uniqu

#10 19. Jul. 2021

#10 19. Jul. 2021

I’ve written 10 diaries! Wow.
I don’t feel so much improvement from my writing skill yet, but I’ll keep doing.
Today was another hot day, but I found a benefit; washed clothes dried so quickly.

I was

#9 18. Jul. 2021

#9 18. Jul. 2021

Today was an awfully hot day which I feel like “I have enjoyed the summer in 2021, thank you”. The sunshine grilled our skins, and the heat from the asphalt reminded me a day in October in Ab Dhabi.
