3 Argument Why Marijuana Should Stay Illegal

 Hi there. Today, I am going to look at 3 arguments for why marijuana should stay illegal. Recently, marijuana has started to be decriminalized, or even made legal in some countries. But is this a really good idea? Let's look at how it should be treated.

 Marijuana has been developed in recent years then it has become potent, which might cause psychosis. One of the reasons why marijuana may cause psychosis is it has THC, which is the main trigger of psychosis. With the development of marijuana, the amount of THC in marijuana has been increasing from 4% to 12% over the last twenty years. It refers that the more marijuana you consume, and the stronger it is, the higher your risk of developing psychosis. In particular, marijuana speeds up the symptoms of psychosis for people who have already had psychosis.

Also, here is a second argument. Marijuana could be a gateway to other drugs. The data shows that 45% people of marijuana users try other illegal drugs at some point in their life. So, if the deregulation of marijuana has begun around the world, it might be more likely that younger people get obsessed with marijuana or other drugs.

 Lastly, marijuana is addictive and unhealthy, which might lead to high blood pressure, lung disease, and even gum disease. 10% of people who try marijuana become addicted to it. Also, it damages younger people's brains, decreasing their intelligence. Studies show that you, especially younger people would get prevented from developing your brains.

I noticed that I should write about one thing in one paragraph, though. I might have written a couple of things in one paragraph. I will take care not to write about a few things in one paragraph.
