Brain hacked by smartphone

 Hello. How's it going? I'm doing great, working on my tasks every single day. I am actually in the process of improving my English skills day by day. But recently, I read a book that is called" brain hacked by smartphone" written by a Swedish author, which is mainly focused on how smartphones or other devices affect our mind and body. To be honest, the impact of these devices on our minds and bodies is way too big. It can cause depression, unhappiness or unhealthy body state, and so on. 
 The book said the more you often use your smartphone, the more likely you get depressed and feel anxiety because you will lose your time to do what you like or communicate with others. Also, using a smartphone for a long time will damage the quality of your sleep, which will wreak havoc on your life because you will lack your intelligence or ability to judge something wisely. It leads to the state that your life deteriorates.
 However, what makes you bring your life damaged is not the smartphone itself. The answer is dopamine. Dopamine makes people seek something vital and fascinating for their survival more, which is the main function of it so that we, people can get motivated to do something important for us but it has a downside. The downside of dopamine is the possibility of making people obsessed with something detrimental to our health.
 We feel excited and fascinated by drugs, computer games, and smartphones technically SNS than junk food or sex because they activate your part of the brain controlling the rewarding system related to dopamine. Also, our brain can release dopamine easily affected by smartphones, SNS, and games. 
 A long time ago, our ancestors feel dopamine and get motivated to continue doing something when they get food or female or male to do sex. However, in modern times, we can easily get satisfied once we open up our smartphones and scroll the screen. This is the problem he said.

By the way, I'm halfway through this book so once I finish reading it, I will write the story about this book. Thank you for your time reading this essay.
