To the Child Born in Summer

It was a summer morning.
As a boomerang thrown high in the sky
made a slashing return to the earth,
you came into this world.
Although we exchanged no words
we somehow communicated with each other.
Although I had no wisdom to deliver,
nor a great legacy to pass on to you,
we still began our life together,
you and I, in this world,
at that moment amid the eternity.

About five billion years ago,
this planet was born,
so astronomers say anyways. 
A species called humans 
didn’t appear until later
much later than we like.
Several billions of years will pass 
after humans have disappeared,
again, so they say. 
Then this planet will survive 
much longer than we can imagine
before it eventually vanishes into space.
But, at that moment you were born, 
you came here with no hesitation,
as if you were coming home, 
as if you were a blast of wind,
right on time here on the earth
after a long unimaginable eternity.
It was how you came, my son.

It is hard to believe in anything,
anything substantial in this world.
Philosophy failed us, prophecy betrayed us.
We don’t even have a magic wand. 
Living from hand to mouth,
we no longer have a story.
We only have a series of words,
just a few words to mutter.
So, let’s pretend, my dear,
that I am a wise man standing in a desert.
And let me pray for you.
May you stand strong someday
on a street corner of this planet.
May you walk forward to
wherever you should go.
May you sing a song
for someone you care for.
May you have a story
that you can share with people.
May you live
your life.

Mythology of the world
is being updated in newspapers
every day in black ink.
The story of human misery,
grave and endless misery
sweeps the sky like a comet .
But, don’t worry, my dear.
I am here for you. 
Barely though, I am.
So, for now at least,
at this moment of summer
when your story has just began,
let me chase away these ominous crows
from your cradle on the happy beach.
Sleep tight, my dear.
I am here for you
watching you begin
to live.

(Shinji OYAMA,  translated by Yuiko KIMURA)
