
(001) 【要点だけ教えてYo!】サンプル - 人工知能 - #0001

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急増する“声の無断利用” 声優や歌手の声をどう守る? nhk.or.jp
【AI翻訳】There is a rapid increase in the unauthorized use of voice actors' and singers' voices, raising the importance of rights protection. Appropriate legal measures and the establishment of ethical guidelines are needed, along with cooperation within the industry.

AIに「かっぱえびせん」や「キャベツ太郎」を出力させた結果…… まさかのホラーに爆笑「想像どおりw」「狩野英孝感すごい」 Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】As a result of AI generating outputs about "Kappa Ebisen" and "Kyabetsu Taro," unexpected horror elements were included, prompting laughter from many. The content also evoked associations with "Eiko Kano," making it a trending topic.

AIはマーケターにとって最優先事項であり最大の課題でもある――Salesforce「マーケティング最新事情」(第9版) ITmedia マーケティング
【AI翻訳】According to Salesforce's "Latest Marketing Trends" 9th edition, AI is the top priority and simultaneously the biggest challenge for marketers. There is a growing demand for the utilization of AI in marketing strategies.

AIで熱中症対策 手首端末で危険判断(ABEMA TIMES) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Advancements in heatstroke prevention utilizing AI technology are underway. A wrist-mounted device measures body temperature and humidity, automatically assessing dangerous conditions. This aims to reduce the risk of heatstroke and enhance health management.

アングル:トランプ氏なら強制送還急拡大か、AI技術で不法移民の特定容易に ロイター (Reuters Japan)
【AI翻訳】If Trump is re-elected, there is a high possibility that forced deportations of illegal immigrants will rapidly increase. Advances in AI technology will make it easier to identify illegal immigrants, which could impact policy changes.

上海の「世界AI大会」で見えた、人型ロボにかける中国の期待 Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】At the "World AI Conference" in Shanghai, it was highlighted that China is focusing on the development of humanoid robot technology, with growing expectations for its practical application. Many companies attended the conference, and discussions about the social impacts of technological innovations were also held.

AIで熱中症対策広がる 手首の端末で危険判断 屋外作業員を守る 東日本放送
【AI翻訳】Advancements in heat stroke prevention utilizing AI technology are underway. Devices worn on the wrist assess the risk of heat stroke during outdoor work, protecting workers. This encourages a safer working environment.

【クイーンS】AI予想 ウンブライル地力が一枚上(スポニチアネックス) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】The AI prediction for the Queen's Stakes has rated Unbrail's ability higher than other horses, drawing attention from racing fans and stakeholders.

「寝ろ。」のTimewitch、「AIX」支援のCynthialyと業務提携 PR TIMES
【AI翻訳】Timewitch, known for "Sleep," has partnered with Cynthialy to enhance support for "AIX." This collaboration is expected to lead to the introduction of new services utilizing advanced AI technology.

AIで「自動車保険」の価格が劇的に下がるというのは本当か? Merkmal
