
【SPECIAL INTERVIEW】TypeType #偏愛フォント特別編


Hello, this is Mana from SHIFTBRAIN.
Have you checked out our 20th anniversary special website?

企画のひとつとしてお披露目したバリアブル仕様のコーポレートフォント『SHIFTBRAIN Norms Variable(SB Norms)』。今回はフォント制作にあたり、コラボレーションしていただいたTypeTypeへのインタビューを日英併記でお送りします!

We featured our corporate font "SHIFTBRAIN Norms Variable" on the website. In this special edition of our beloved fonts, we will be sharing an interview with TypeType, the company that created the font for us.



About TypeType

TypeTypeは、15年以上フォントデザイナーとして従事してきたIvan Gladkikhと、経験豊富なマネージャーAlexander Kudryavtsevのふたりの友人によって2013年に設立しました。機能的で美しいフォントの開発、商業用カスタム書体の開発、タイプマスタリングサービス等を提供し、発展・成長を続けています。2014年に最初のフォントがサイトで公開され、2017年には初のベストセラー『TT Norms®』が発表されました。

——First, can you tell me about TypeType?
TypeType studio was founded in 2013 by two friends, Ivan Gladkikh, a font designer with over 15 years of experience, and Alexander Kudryavtsev, an experienced manager. They launched the creation of functional and beautiful fonts, commercial custom font development, and type mastering, among other things, and have continued to grow and expand. The First TypeType font was released on their website in 2014, and in 2017, they released their first best-seller, TT Norms®.
Starting with just four people, TypeType now has over 30 staff members, including 10 designers, 8 PR specialists, 6 marketing professionals, and 6 back-office staff, as well as working with freelancers.

People working at TypeType

Ivanが独学でフォントデザイナーとなり、同時にフリーフォントプロジェクト『Jovanny Lemonad』を立ち上げたことがきっかけとなりました。

——What inspired TypeType to get involved in font design in the first place?
Ivan was a self-taught font designer who also started the free font project "Jovanny Lemonad." This was his initial inspiration to pursue font design, which eventually led to the establishment of TypeType.


——Can you tell me about what drew them to font design, and the allure of creating fonts?
Font design requires both creativity and technical skills to complete a variety of tasks. Although all fonts are made up of the same alphabet, each new project requires designers to rethink and rebuild them from scratch. The appeal of font design lies in the opportunities for new experiences and development that it brings.


——How do designers at TypeType typically begin creating a font, and where do they get their ideas from?
The process of creating a font can vary depending on the purpose of the font. Generally, designers at TypeType will start by conducting surveys and studying the font's proportions and design over a period of time. Smaller-scale projects tend to be more creative and can be developed based on historical references or sketches by designers.


——What are the enjoyable and challenging aspects of font design?
The answer to this question can be different depending on the designer. Still, many typographers enjoy the process of researching and studying the shapes and ideas behind symbols. This can be an enjoyable part of the design process as it allows designers to explore new ideas and concepts. On the other hand, the most challenging part of font design can be the technical aspects of creating a fully functional font, including kerning, spacing, and appropriate weights and styles. However, overcoming these challenges can also be rewarding and satisfying.

響きが良く、強さや書体の主旨を反映した言葉を探すようにしています。例えば、TT Hovesというフォントの名前は、『Ho-(水平線)』と『Ve-(垂直線)』という音節から構成されています。これは、フォントの形状において水平線と垂直線のバランスを重視していることを表しており、美しく読みやすいデザインになるよう配慮されているという意味を込めています。またTT Firsは、フォントのスカンジナビア的な性格をほのめかしています。

——How are font names typically chosen?
At TypeType, font names are chosen based on how they sound and whether they reflect the strength and purpose of the font. For example, the name of the font "TT Hoves" is composed of the syllables "Ho-" (horizontal) and "Ve-" (vertical). This reflects the emphasis on the balance between horizontal and vertical lines in the font's design, as well as its focus on creating a beautiful and legible design. Similarly, "TT Firs" hints at the Scandinavian character of the font. Ultimately, the name of a font should complement its design and help to communicate its unique features and style.

TT Hoves
TT Firs


TT RicordiやStarter Kitのような小規模なプロジェクトは1.5ヶ月ほどですが、TT Norms ProTT Commonsなどの大規模なプロジェクトは、少なくとも1年以上かかります。さらに、常に更新され開発されていくものもあります。

——On average, how much time is typically spent creating one font?
Smaller projects like TT Ricordi or Starter Kit may take around 1.5 months, while larger projects like TT Norms Pro or TT Commons can take at least a year or more. Some fonts are also constantly updated and developed over time.
In terms of the process, typically 1-4 designers will work on the design, then pass it on to technicians who will handle the mastering, kerning, and hinting, which requires specialized expertise.




——You mentioned that some fonts are constantly updated and developed over time. Are there any criteria for deciding when a font is "complete"?
Over the years, we have established precise requirements for our fonts. A completed font must meet certain technical values and our aesthetic criteria. These five key steps are essential for completing each project: character set integrity, outline, spacing, mastering, and hinting. The last two steps ensure that the font displays and functions correctly on various devices. Ultimately, a font can be considered complete when it meets these criteria and fulfills its intended purpose. However, there may still be opportunities to update or improve the font in the future, depending on users' needs and feedback.


——Are there any particular aspects that TypeType pays extra attention to in the font design process?
Every step of the font design process, from ideation to sketching to mastering, is important. Even if a font looks beautiful, if it doesn't display well on different devices, it won't be very useful. Similarly, a font that meets technical standards but lacks graphic highlights or fails to solve user-specific problems can be dull. At TypeType, we invest a great deal of time and effort into font design, and our motivation to continue creating fonts comes from users who choose and resonate with our vision. Ultimately, our goal is to create fonts that are both technically sound and visually compelling, and that provide unique value to our users.

SHIFTBRAIN Norms Variableについて

About SHFTBRAIN Norms Variable


——What was your impression of SHIFTBRAIN when you visited Japan and talked to our Art Director, Masashi, which led to this project?
SHIFTBRAIN left a very positive impression on me as a modern and stylish company with a good sense of aesthetics. I was particularly impressed by the design of the corporate website, which conveyed a minimalist and high-quality impression. When we learned about SHIFTBRAIN's mission and approach to problem-solving, we were eager to contribute to this effort by providing our fonts.

——我々もTT Normsをコーポレートフォントとして採用していたので、今回コラボできる機会をいただき非常に光栄でした!弊社からの注文も色々あったと思いますが、今回のフォント制作で特に大変だったことはなんでしょうか?
『SB Norms』ではTT Norms Pro Regularをベースに、幅に変化を持たせるフォントを開発する必要がありました。ナローからスーパーワイドまで、460ptから3,480pt(最小から最大幅の差は通常約1.5倍のところ、今回は7.6倍!!!)で、これだけ広がるバリアブルフォントはこれまで制作したことがなかったため、我々にとっても新しい挑戦になりました。特にTT Norms Proは、普段は非常にニュートラルなフォントとして扱われているので、極端なことをするのは面白かったです。これだけ文字幅が広いと、通常であれば一行が画面に収まるものも数文字しか入らなくなり、私たちが制作する中でもかなり珍しく、正直不便な作業でした。ただ超ワイドになってもNormらしさを保てるように心がけました。

——We were honored to collaborate especially since we knew that TT Norms was already being used as our corporate font. Were there any particular challenges that you faced during the font design process for this collaboration, given our specific requirements?
For "SB Norms", we needed to develop a variable font that could accommodate a range of widths from narrow to super-wide, spanning from 460pt to 3,480pt (which is over 7.6 times the difference between the minimum and maximum width!). This was a completely new challenge for us, as we had never developed a variable font that had such a wide range before. Moreover, since TT Norms Pro is typically considered a neutral font, it was fun to explore extreme variations. However, given the wide letter spacing, we had to deal with limited space constraints, making the design process quite challenging. Nonetheless, we made sure to maintain the essence of Norms in each variation of the font.


From a technical perspective, we had to adjust the line spacing and baseline of the font to match the Japanese A1 Gothic Regular font that was also being used. Additionally, it was a fun challenge to embed the SHIFTBRAIN team's portrait icons within the font.

The process of creating portrait icons


About the future of TypeType

今年は、約1年半前から取り組んできた大型プロジェクトのリリースを予定しています。タイトルは『Ideal Sans』で、広い範囲の市場調査に基づいてこのフォントを開発しています。もうすぐみなさんにお披露目できるのが楽しみです!

またIdeal Sansに加え、現在は多くのフォントのアップデートが進行中です。長年にわたり、TTのデザイナーや技術者は多くのことを学び、現在と5年前の技術レベルは比較にならないものになりました。更新・拡張されたTT Firs NeueとTT Firs Sansファミリーが間もなく発売されますし、更新されたTT Welingtonsも同年に発売される予定です。さらに、いくつかの大きなクライアントプロジェクトも進行中です。近日中に詳細をお伝えできるかと思います。

——You have created a number of font families, what are your plans for releasing soon and what are your future plans for TypeType?
This year, we have plans to release a large project that we have been working on for about a year and a half. The title is "Ideal Sans," and we have developed this font based on extensive market research. We are excited to share it with everyone soon!

In addition to Ideal Sans, we are also currently working on updates for many of our fonts. Over the years, our designers and technicians at TT have learned a lot, and the level of technology and expertise has vastly improved compared to five years ago. The updated and expanded TT Firs Neue and TT Firs Sans families will be released soon, and an updated version of TT Wellingtons is also scheduled for release this year. We also have several large client projects in progress, and we hope to share more details about them soon.



——Through this talk, we have learned a lot about the behind-the-scenes of font production. Thank you very much! Finally, do you have a message for aspiring font creators?
The job of type design is extremely diverse, requiring both creativity and rigorous technical skills. Fonts are a system, and until the developer can perceive it and work with it systematically, it can be difficult. However, even if one cannot design, it is possible to contribute to font creation by enhancing technical expertise in areas such as mastering, hinting, and programming.

Instead of trying to achieve your ideal font right from the beginning, start by creating a set of one or two languages and one set of numbers with the goal of releasing the font to the world. By sharing your font and having people use it, you can gradually improve your skills and get closer to achieving your ideal vision!

▼ 採用情報


Cover image design: MICHIAI Koki
Edit: SAKA Mihoko