

著者の斎藤幸平さんが仕掛けた、冒頭の「SDGsは大衆のアヘンである」に、えっ、そうなの⁉️ と、まずは引き込まれました。









Kohei Saito writes at the start of this book "SDGs are the opium of the masses”. I was interested in this sentence.
The author, Saito puts forward several main themes:
1. We are currently in a geological age — “The Anthropocene” — that’s marked by global climate change and shifting weather patterns. The Anthropocene has been much in the news.
2. There are limits to capitalism, and science have failed to keep up with the stress that’s being placed on the environment. He cites COVID-19 as an example.
I was especially interested in the fact that he chose to write about the situation in the city of Detroit, USA. The once thriving industrial center has been left hollowed out by a collapse of the motor industry and population flight. Land prices have plunged sharply.

But, as Saito writes, a core of people who have remained behind have been moving to reinvent the city through urban organic agriculture, caring for the environment and rebuilding community networks.  

I think Detroit has become a case study for other urban centers in a similar state of decline and people are now wondering whether the collapse of big cities is just a passing point for the next stage.
I think it is inevitable that a form of democratic socialism will take hold in America by 2030, With capitalism reaching its limits, it is not surprising how much support there is for Bernie Sanders among Generation Z.

Honestly speaking, I don't know that much as about Karl Marx and I know I cannot abandon capitalism by myself.
But Kohei Saito’s book helped me realize many things.
