





I recently read the novel ‘Tsunagu’ by Mizuki Tsujimura. Her sensitive portrayal of each character resonated deeply with me, evoking a warm, fuzzy feeling despite having no similar experiences. The narrative, focusing on two mothers who lo

    • 君の膵臓をたべたい

      正直少し読みにくいような、繊細すぎるような、なぜかわからないけどそわそわする、言われのないような気持ちになりながらこの本を読んでいました。 なんだってそう思ったのかは分からない。 甘酸っぱくて、痒く感じたのかも、高校生の青春というものに。 わたしはこの映画も見ていません。 人気映画は何故か見る気が無くなってしまうという。。 この本は旦那がたまたま図書館で借りていたのを拝借しました。 結論。 泣きはしなかったけど、死が当たり前のように過ぎ去っていく日常での2人の繊細

      • A Short Diary

        I’m exhausted after running about 4 kilometers and watching TV with my son, reading a book to him whenever TV commercials are on. It’s quality time, though, that we get to spend together, and I’ll look back on it happily later in my life.

        • Feeling Sick

          I think I’m coming down with something. For the past few days, I’ve felt some shivers when I tried to go to sleep. I thought something about my body was wrong, but I didn’t take any precautions to prevent it from getting worse since I’ve be

          I learned the hard lesson

          I had an incredibly demanding day at work today, to be precise, I was swamped with an overwhelming amount of paperwork that I had been putting off for quite some time. My procrastination had led to this alarming situation, and it has impart

          I learned the hard lesson

          The Last Day of a Three-Day Weekend

          By the time I realized it, I had been using the English learning app Cake for about an hour. I think it’s great because you can learn useful phrases based on different situations, and there are numerous subcategories that branch from them.

          The Last Day of a Three-Day Weekend


          B級ホラー映画を思い出させたけれど、 性への前提認識(日本語へたくそ) Conformity(皆に従うこと) それぞれへの問題提起が含まれているような気がします。 個人的には村田さんのベスト小説には選べないけれど、個性的で切り込んだ作風、そしてなんだか読みやすい文体に引き込まれている事は確かです。


          Boost Your Productivity with Habit Stacking!

          I’ve just finished running 3.5 kilometers and immediately tried habit stacking. I recorded my English audio to send to Speak Now and am now writing my English blog post. It does work, actually, since I feel liberated and exhilarated after p

          Boost Your Productivity with Habit Stacking!

          Sorry for my Negativity

          Today didn’t go as planned. I haven’t been on a run for the past two days. I intended to, but I ended up spending 20 minutes doomscrolling, missing the opportunity. I’ve noticed this happening often. To address the issue, I’ve come up with

          Sorry for my Negativity

          A Kind of Productive Saturday

          Just finished running 3.45 kilometers, and I have a stomachache right now. I had an offal hot pot for lunch and fried chicken from Kentucky for dinner, so I think that’s why. I knew it was coming, but it’s Saturday, and you don’t want to

          A Kind of Productive Saturday

          Running takes patience?

          I’ve just run 4.5 kilometers, but it was much more daunting and exhausting than I imagined! This is what happens when I haven’t gone for a run as much as I used to. I admit I’ve only been running for around ten days in the past few monthes

          Running takes patience?

          Spooky Day Off

          I watched three horror movies on Netflix today, taking advantage of my once-a-month day off. I thought maybe I could finish some of the books I’ve been meaning to read and make progress with an English learning app I’ve been putting off.

          Spooky Day Off

          Weekend Dilemma

          Weekends have become somewhat challenging for me in a contradictory way. You’d think you can study a lot, but the reality is, you often end up spending quality time with your family more and studying less. I guess, to explain this strange

          Weekend Dilemma

          Lost in Linguistic Limbo: My Learning Dilemma

          It’s kind of funny that sometimes I completely lose motivation to study English and have a sudden realization that Japanese is the language I most respect. But after a while, I realize I enjoy speaking in English. It’s not about what I say

          Lost in Linguistic Limbo: My Learning Dilemma

          Mood Swings

          OMG, I feel like I’m in a slump. It’s not like I have a specific reason for this, but I’ve been feeling mentally unstable these days. This is probably because my period is approaching, but I’m not sure. Even holding my phone makes me feel i

          Unproductive, Yet Hopeful

          My son loves playing with his friends, so even though he had a runny nose and was absent from school today, he went outside to play with them. He has a heart of gold when it comes to his friends and never dismisses them. As for me, althou

          Unproductive, Yet Hopeful