
Creative Novel Cuffs: In a land of endless endings

  1. The End of the World. Kenji, Breakwaters and Psychosomatic Medicine

The night sky was filtered. She looked up at that night sky.

She always in worried. A jelly-like wall like a placenta. As long as that thin film exists, the soul cannot go to space. The longer it was out of the way, the more time it would take to--


The seabird calls out. She was not particularly friendly with the seabird. Just wondering how much she had harvested (in terms of balls) today.

It was only one ball. But the shine was different from usual. The light was so strong that it seemed to bounce off the dimness of the area, and the dragonfly's beak turned golden as it approached.

"This is amazing," the seabird said. She showed the seabird a small shell-like ornament.

"What's That?"

"I don't know. I read the vibrations on the jade, it was a man who used it. He has a family. The man's feelings are so strong."

"Oh, so he's still alive? It’s annoying!”

The woman shrugged and picked up the bag again. The sprit was moving around Inside the bag,.

"What should I do? This is still too energetic. to throw into that place—ー. I had found a troublesome sprit.”

”These half-hearted souls are the ones I have the most trouble. Even so, I can't just throw them out.”

”What are you going to do? Don't tell me you're going to find the owner of the soul?"

“Yes way."

The woman laughed. The body. What happens to the body determines the fate of the soul. This ball (soul) is not yet ready to ascend to heaven, nor is it weak enough to be thrown out (to the processing plant).

As they were conversing, lightning struck in front of them. It seemed that the Lord of the Air was starting to get annoyed.

Throw them into the processing plant as soon as you can. The weather is going to get worse again.

How many bolls did you release just now? How many souls did you just release? You're not happy with your catch?

”Five If you count my friends. But don't want tell you.”

The woman took the rabbit carcass out of the bag. It must have been killed by a wild dog somewhere.

She tossed it into the ocean. Whirlpool came so gobbled it up. Suddenly, the waves glowed golden disappeared in an instant with lightning strike.

\book wakerで無料キャンペーンも実施中です♪ /
