
英語学習日記 #19 "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster"

・Green Premiumとは






How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates
- The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need -


新型コロナウイルスが流行する5年前から、ビルがウイルスによる世界的危機を予測していたこと(下のTED Talksの動画です)にも驚かされましたが、気候変動などの世界規模の問題を解決するために様々な投資をして、世界中の人々の意識改革を起こすためにいくつも本を書いているのは本当に偉大だと感じます。




The effect of these greenhouse gases is that the planet has gotten hotter. Since the dawn of the Industrial Age, the average global temperature has risen one degree Celsius; some areas have even experienced a rise of over two degrees. That may not sound like much, but, on a global scale, it is. And there are many far-reaching consequences.

For example, increased temperatures cause more moisture from the earth’s surface to evaporate into the atmosphere. As a result, there are more droughts around the world, more wildfires, and more flooding in areas already in danger of being consumed by water. Already, 20 to 30 percent of Bangladesh is underwater on a regular basis. This problem will only get worse – and more common around the world. This means more displaced people, as well as fewer habitats for both plants and animals.


ここでのgreenhouse gases(温室効果ガス)とは、二酸化炭素、メタン、窒素酸化物などを総称した呼び方です。CO2はそのうちの70%以上を担っているので、より科学的な文脈ではgreenhouse gasesのことをcarbon dioxide equivalentsと呼びます。前述の510億トンは、それらの温室効果ガスをすべて二酸化炭素に換算した場合の質量となります(CO2eと言うようです)。

You might be surprised to learn that, in the US, a gallon of oil currently costs around one dollar, while a gallon of a soft drink is nearly three times that – around $2.85. That’s right, oil is almost three times cheaper than soda!



なお、化石燃料の代わりにクリーンなエネルギーで発電すると、現時点では化石燃料よりも高いコストが発生するのですが、この差額をGreen Premiumと呼ぶそうです。バイオ燃料ではガソリン価格の106%、electrofuel(空気中の二酸化炭素からつくられる液体燃料)では237%のGreen Premiumがかかるそうです。

Currently, the biggest contributors to the climate crisis can be broken down into five categories: Making things, such as steel and plastic, accounts for 31 percent of our 51 billion tons of emissions. Plugging in, or electricity, accounts for 27 percent. Growing things, like plants and animals for food, accounts for 19 percent. Getting around – be it cars, planes, or cargo ships – accounts for 16 percent. And finally, Keeping warm and cool, with regard to both ourselves and our things, accounts for 7 percent.


Electricity is a good place to start because it affects all the other categories. Right now, two-thirds of the world’s electricity is supplied by burning fossil fuels. Getting this ratio down to zero will naturally have a major impact on how we make things, grow things, get around, and so on – things like factories, agriculture, and cars will all require clean electricity to function.


And this will only increase as more countries become more prosperous. Between 2000 and 2016, for instance, China used more concrete than the US did during the entire twentieth century.



Steel, an alloy of iron and carbon, naturally releases some of that carbon while being made. Also, it needs to be heated to incredibly high temperatures – temperatures that are difficult to create with electricity alone. Right now, heating fossil fuels provides a cheap and easy way to make steel, but it also means that one ton of steel generates 1.8 tons of carbon dioxide.


Concrete production also uses fossil fuels to cheaply and efficiently generate heat and carbon. In particular, cement – a key component of concrete – requires the burning of limestone, which is made up of calcium plus carbon and oxygen. This all adds up to a grim one-to-one ratio: one ton of cement roughly equals one ton of carbon dioxide emissions.


Plastics, which may have the worst reputation, may actually come with a silver lining in the future. All plastics contain carbon. In fact, they’re a great place to store carbon. Half of the carbon created when making plastic goes into the plastic itself. And plastic is notoriously bad at decomposing, which means that the carbon won’t be going anywhere for a long time. The problem is, we currently get the carbon for plastic by using fossil fuels, which is why making plastic is cheap. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

プラスチックは微生物によって分解されずに、いつまでも残る性質があるが、これが将来の炭素貯留の鍵になるかもしれない。現時点では化石燃料に含まれる炭素からプラスチックを作っているが、発電所で排出された炭素(二酸化炭素)からプラスチックを作る技術(carbon capture technology、炭素回収貯留技術)がより安価かつ効率的になれば、大気中の炭素量を減らしていくことができる。

carbon capture technologyでコンクリートを製造すると、140%のGreen Premiumがかかるそうです(1トンあたり125ドルで製造できるものが、環境にいい製造法を選ぶと300ドル、2.4倍のコストになる)。

For example, you may know that cattle produce a lot of methane, one of the most harmful greenhouse gases in terms of contributing to warming temperatures. But did you know that throwing away food is also a significant contributor? When food rots, it also produces methane. And we throw away lots of food every year – the equivalent of 3.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide, to be exact.


Nitrogen is 265 times worse than carbon dioxide when it comes to its global warming effects.


In places like Germany and Denmark, there have been big advances in wind and solar energy in just the last few years. Thanks to government funding, along with policies and incentives that have helped spark a competitive market for alternative energies, prices have dropped such that the Green Premiums on these energies are closing in on fossil fuels.

Something similar needs to happen for carbon capture, biofuels, and other technologies to help us get to zero emissions by 2050. We also need to establish worldwide minimum standards on emissions, with more and better incentives for businesses that meet those standards – and tax penalties for businesses that don’t.

As for individual citizens, we need to take action! Write to your elected representatives, and demand that resources be put toward improving infrastructure and funding new solutions. If you’re a CEO or business leader, be an early adopter of new clean energy technologies and impose your own carbon tax on divisions that don’t meet your internal minimum standards.









suffice (it) to say (that)...[used to suggest that although you could say more, what you do say will be enough to explain what you mean]
at stake[that can be won or lost, depending on the success of a particular action]

Suffice it to say, he's learned a thing or two about what's at stake - and about the kind of work that still needs to be done if we're going to save our planet.

consume[to completely destroy sth]

As a result, there are more droughts around the world, more wildfires, and more flooding in areas already in danger of being consumed by water.



今日英英辞典で調べた単語・表現は次の51個です!ここに書いてある単語 = 今日初めて見た単語 というわけではなく、前から知っている単語も意識的に調べて、例文を音読したり、自分が知っている意味以外での用例を確認したりしています。



