


Gender and Nation in Europe 



担当教員はMaja Säger 先生 Diana Mulinari先生 Eda Farsakoglu先生

週に2日授業、1日ゼミ×4週 のペースです。





①An essay in which you elaborate on a theoretical problem/s that you have identified in the course literature and in relation to the themes of the course.

②A paper that combines a theoretical discussion with an ‘empirical’ study of some kind of material (due to the time limits, we recommend analyses of already existing material not involving extensive fieldwork. You could work with for example newspapers, pictures, interview material presented in other studies, art projects, legislation, political debate, etc.).


























国家の構成員となる国民を再生産するために、つまり子どもを産み国民を増やすために、男性と女性のヘテロカップルが規範(社会のルール)とされる。人口を増やす機能として人々の身体は、とくに産む性である女性の身体は国家に訓練され管理されているといえる。(ここらへんはミシェル・フーコーのBio Power参照) 










世界的に豊かな地域であるGlobal North出身の日本人は、国境を超えるときパスポートコントロールでほとんど問題なく通過できる。世界的に見て、日本ほどビザなしで各国を旅行できる国は珍しい。







Lecture 1. ’Europe’ and differentiated processes of in/exclusions I. 

Maja Sager先生

Key concepts:  *  citizenship  *  Europe  *  differentiation  *  nation Literature: 


Literature: Read first

Anderson, Bridget & Vanessa Hughes (eds.) (2015). Citizenship and its others [Available as e-book]. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan. (Introduction and chapter 5)


Ayoub, Phillip M., & Paternotte, David (eds.) (2014). LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe: A Rainbow Europe? Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. (chapter 1 (Ayoub & Paternotte), chapter 4 (Colpani & Habed) and chapter 11 (Ayoub & Paternotte)

Literature: Read second

Farrokhzad, Athena (2018) Europe, Where Have You Misplaced Love? An Open Letter from a Poet. Literary Hub. Available at: https://lithub.com/athena-farrokhzad-europe-where-have-you-misplaced-love/


Jonsson, Stefan & Hansen, Peo (2014). Introduction: The Past that Europe Forgot. In

Jonsson, Stefan & Hansen, Peo (2014). Eurafrica [Available as e-book]. Bloomsbury Publishing. (p 1-16)


Lecture 2. ’Europe’ and differentiated processes of in/exclusions II.

Maja Sager先生

Literature: Read first

Anderson, Bridget & Vanessa Hughes (eds.) (2015). Citizenship and its others [Available as e-book]. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan. (Chapters 2, 3, 6 and 8)


Luibhéid, Eithne (2006). Sexual Regimes and Migration Controls: Reproducing the Irish Nation-State in Transnational Contexts, Feminist Review, No. 83, Sexual Moralities (2006), pp. 60-78 (18 pages).


Literature: Read second

Anderson, Bridget & Vanessa Hughes (eds.) (2015). Citizenship and its others [Available as e-book]. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan. (Chapters 4 and 7)


Yuval-Davis, Nira (1997). Gender & nation [Available as e-book]. London: Sage. (Chapter 1, 2 and 4)


Lecture 3. Conviviality and creolization in contemporary Europe.

Diana Mulinari先生

Key concepts: *  conviviality  *  solidarity  *  humanity  *  multiculturalism   *  cosmopolitanism

Literature: Read first

Rodríguez, Encarnación Gutiérrez & Tate, Anne Shirley (eds) (2015) Creolizing Europe: Legacies and Transformations. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


Lecture 4. Gender, culture, nation.

Maja Sager先生

Key concepts:  *  culture  *   gender and/in nation  *  migration and asylum rights

Literature: Read first

Farrokhzad, Athena (2015). White Blight. Argos books. (72 pages)


Wikström, Hanna (2014). Gender, Culture and Epistemic Injustice, Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 4(4), 210-218. (9 sidor)


Literature: Read second

Yuval-Davis, Nira (1997). Gender & nation [Available as e-book]. London: Sage. (Chapters 3, 5 and 6)


Lectures 5 and 6. Antifeminism and care racism in the context of a growing European far right.

Maja Sager先生

Key concepts:  *  antifeminism  *  racism/s  *  gender and/in the far right

Literature: Read first

Mulinari, Diana, Neergaard, Anders (2014). We are Sweden Democrats because we care for others: Exploring racisms in the Swedish extreme right. The European Journal of Women's Studies, (21), 1, 43-56. (14 pages)


The following articles are from the special issue of Signs ”Gender and the Rise of the Global Right” issue 44:3 2019.

Graff, Agnieszka, Kapur, Ratna & Walters, Suzanna Danuta (2019). Introduction: Gender and the Rise of the Global Right. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2019 44:3, 541-560. (19 pages)


Gökarıksel, Banu, Neubert, Christopher & Smith, Sara (2019). Demographic Fever Dreams: Fragile Masculinity and Population Politics in the Rise of the Global Right. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2019 44:3, 561-587. (26 pages)


Corredor, Elizabeth S. (2019). Unpacking “Gender Ideology” and the Global Right’s Antigender Countermovement. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2019 44:3, 613-638. (25 pages)


Case, Mary Anne (2019). Trans Formations in the Vatican’s War on “Gender Ideology”. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2019 44:3, 639-664. (26 pages)


Literature: Read second

Sager, Maja & Mulinari, Diana (2017). Safety for whom? Exploring femo-nationalism and care-racism in Sweden. Women's Studies International Forum, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wsif.2017.12.002

. (8 pages)

The following articles are from the special issue of Signs ”Gender and the Rise of the Global Right” issue 44:3 2019.

Mason, Carol (2019). Opposing Abortion to Protect Women: Transnational Strategy since the 1990s. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2019 44:3, 665-692. (27 pages)


Luehrmann, Sonja (2019). “Everything New That Life Gives Birth To”: Family Values and Kinship Practices in Russian Orthodox Antiabortion Activism. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2019 44:3, 771-795. (24 pages)


Abji, Salina, Korteweg, Anna C. & Williams, Lawrence H. (2019). Culture Talk and the Politics of the New Right: Navigating Gendered Racism in Attempts to Address Violence against Women in Immigrant Communities. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2019 44:3, 797-822. (27 pages)


Lecture 7. Homonationalisms, contested belongings and building solidarity across differences.

Eda Farsakoglu先生

Key concepts:  *  homonationalism  *  (anti-Muslim) racism  *  belonging  *  queer politics *  rights  * building solidarities

Literature: Read first

Ayoub, Phillip M., & Paternotte, David (eds.) (2014). LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe: A Rainbow Europe? Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan. (chapter 10 (Moss))


El-Tayeb, Fatima (2012). ‘Gays who cannot properly be gay’: Queer Muslims in the neoliberal European city. European Journal of Women's Studies, 19:1, 79-95. (17p)


Haritaworn, J. (2012). Women’s rights, gay rights and anti-Muslim racism in Europe: Introduction. European Journal of Women's Studies, 19(1), 73- 78. (6 pages)


Kahlina, Katja (2015). Local Histories, European LGBT Designs: Sexual Citizenship, Nationalism, and ‘Europeanisation’ in Post-Yugoslav Croatia and Serbia. Women’s Studies International Forum, 49:1, 73-83. (10p)


Literature: Read second

Petzen, Jennifer (2012). Contesting Europe: A call for an anti-modern sexual politics. European Journal of Women's Studies, 19:1, 97-114 (17p).


Puar, Jasbir (2013). Rethinking Homonationalism. International Journal of Middle East Studies 45: 336–339. (3p)


Rahman, Momin (2014). Queer Rights and the Triangulation of Western Exceptionalism. Journal of Human Rights, 13, 274–289. (15p)



