
レンズを通して: チェコ・オーストリア世界遺産の旅、トップ5 | Through the Lens: Top 5 World Heritage Journeys in Czechia and Austria


 To celebrate my return from Europe, I've encapsulated the time and space I shared into the form of memories known as photographs. Each shutter captures a story beyond words. From the countless photos I took on this trip, I have selected moments that linger most in my heart to share with you as my top photo rankings. If you find yourself thinking, "I'd like to visit this place," then that is the highest compliment the photo could convey. Now, let the journey through Europe's allure begin with my top five highlights.

No.5: The View from Dürnstein Castle Ruins


 Day five of the journey began with a splendid autumn day and the dazzling Melk Abbey. We were scheduled to cruise the World Heritage-listed Wachau Valley next, but fate had other plans in store for us. Despite the shining sun, the river at our embarkation point was too shallow, and our eagerly anticipated cruise was suddenly canceled. We were redirected to Dürnstein, the intended disembarkation point. With the change, our stay was unexpectedly extended, and the tour guide suggested we climb to the ruins of Dürnstein Castle. A strenuous 25-minute ascent, akin to climbing a staircase, awaited us, leading to the top. Only I and a sprightly septuagenarian lady managed to reach the summit, panting yet triumphant. Presented here is a snapshot from an open spot at the peak.

No.4: Melk Abbey

(The Melk Abbey, too vast to be captured in its entirety)


(The breathtaking view from Melk Abbey)
 The Melk Abbey, reputed to have hosted the Empress Maria Theresa along with 200 attendants, stands out even from a distance with its Baroque architecture in an unexpected shade of yellow, a grandeur not typical for an abbey. The opulent library boasts a collection of 100,000 volumes, while the attached church—having seen various churches throughout Europe—I felt, had a particularly dense splendor with its solemn structure, lavish decorations, and the exceptional frescoes on the ceiling. (Unfortunately, photography was not allowed, so please search online to enjoy the visuals!)

No.3: [World Heritage] Hallstatt

 Before us lay Hallstatt, acclaimed as the world’s most beautiful lakeside. As we emerged from the thick clouds enveloping Salzburg and set foot in this place, it was as though the heavens had been awaiting our arrival; the clouds parted to reveal a radiant blue sky. The lake’s surface, mirror-like, perfectly reflected the blue of the sky and the white clouds, leaving us in sheer admiration of its clarity and beauty. It seems that the mirror not only reflects the world before us but also reveals our innate ability to perceive beauty within.

No.2: The Café in the Art History Museum



 An afternoon at the café within the Art History Museum, hailed as "the most beautiful café in the world." Though it wasn't included in the tour, the enthusiastic recommendation of our guide convinced us all to dine here.
 Rome, Paris, London - each has breathtaking buildings, but this museum, alive with the legacy of the Habsburgs, stands out with its unparalleled splendor and sophistication. Not to be missed are the Klimt murals adorning the main staircase hall. The museum itself feels like a piece of art. And there, amidst decorations sprinkled with gold leaf, savoring a plate of porcini risotto was undeniably a moment of pure bliss.

No.1: The View from Český Krumlov Castle [World Heritage]


 Lauded as the most beautiful town in the world, Český Krumlov. Walking through the dimly lit corridors of its castle, the moment I passed through a magical arch, I was left breathless by the view that unfolded below. Suddenly, a vivid tableau burst into view: the crisp blue sky, the warm hues of orange rooftops, and the trees tinged with the yellow of deep autumn. A spontaneous "WOW" erupted from the depths of my heart. The wish I had harbored while scrolling through photos of Český Krumlov online, to witness this town's clear skies, was fulfilled at that moment. Realizing that people from the past would have gazed upon this same breathtaking scene filled me with a sense of connection that transcended time.

Honorable mentions:

Q. 私はこの旅で、一体いくつのケーキを食べたのでしょうか? ただいま執筆中の旅行記で、答えを明かしたいと思います。

Q. How many cakes did I actually eat on this trip? I plan to reveal the answer in the travelogue I'm currently writing.

 まだまだ紹介しきれないくらい、心の中からアルプスの水のように感想が湧いてきます! 続きは、私のブログやYouTubeで、旅のハイライトを引き続きお楽しみいただけます。
 The impressions from my journey are bubbling up like Alpine waters in my heart—too many to capture in just one sitting! For more of the travel highlights, continue to indulge in the adventure on my blog and YouTube channel.

Fashion Source
堀口ひとみ My slash life ///YouTube





