
My Life As a Nonbinary

Hi everyone. This is Rik.

Today, I would like to introduce my gender identity.

As some of you know, I identify as nonbinary.

In this article, I will explain what it means to me to be nonbinary.

What  is Nonbinary?

First of all, we need to understand the term "Nonbinary".

Genders that don't fall into one of these two categories, male or female.

Understanding Nonbinary People: How to Be Respectful and Supportive | National Center for Transgender Equality (transequality.org)

In general the term "Nonbinary" isunderstood as the gender identity which people identify when they do not feel they are neither female nor male.

What does it mean to me?

Identifying as a nonbinary means a lot to me.

Personally, I do not believe the concept of gender that much because it is just a social constract.

However, identifying as nonbinary means a lot to me because it is one of the biggest identities I have in my life.

For me, it is uncomfortble with being labeled in a small boxes of gender binary theory.

I am just me.

More than just female or male.

And, idntifying as a nonbinary is the best way to escape from the gender binary thoery for me.

My journey

I started to identify as a nonbinary individual three years ago when I was in high school.

Before that, I ecxperimented several other gender identities on Instagram community.

However, I came out as nonbinary in public recently.

Threfore, I am still a trans baby lol

But still, I think it is important to tell my story to other people so that I can support and help other people who are suffering from identifying their gender identities.

I would like to share my coming out stories in the future on this blog!


In this article, we looked at the meaning of the term "nonbinary" and shared my thoughts and journey.

Thanks for reading my articles.

I am going to share more imformation and experience about the LGBTQIA+ community on this account.

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See you again,



