
Labeled Stories

It was one summer night in Tokyo, random 8 wine lovers gathered in French Restaurant with their proud bottles.

Dress code was Rose.

We were all friends of friends, stringed to this random party’s organizer yet strangers to each other.

Party started with our brief introduction as well as the wine we brought.

We didn’t really care what the others’ name, but curious about what kind of Rose she / he brought that night. That’s how we know what kind of person is.

First about which grape, where it is from, and then who is the maker of those wines.

Behind all these information on the bottle, there always is a labeled story.

such as... “This Californian wine, which BY THE WAY made by this cute blond guy, who BY THE WAY hasn’t married yet!”

Those unnecessary (yet important to single ladies) information make each wine so special and make them even more taster.

Smell of soil, spice, fruits, flower…(and the maker’s sweat!) it all come together with additional (unofficial) information of each wine.

While listening and tasting wines, I realized that Having someone drink your bring-in bottle is like introducing your boyfriend to your friend.

Where he’s from, What he does, What’s his family's like…

But the most important thing is to show who he is, what kind of story you had with him and why you choose to be with him.

That feeling when you don’t know if your friends would like him or not. What if she / he didn’t like my boyfriend.

That’s the feeling I have when I introduce my favorite bottle of wine.

Some of us pick wine because it’s label is interesting

Or because of it’s unique taste

Or because it’s premium & limited one

I secretly enjoyed listening to each bottles’ story behind, imagining a boyfriend / girlfriend they are introducing.

