
A Form of Challenge by way of Mirin (Mirin no Chosenjo)

下記は2015年に「みりんの挑戦状」という他ブログに日本語で書いたものを割愛し、英語でリバイズしたものです。Noteでは、ほかの場所で書いたものを載せることが好ましくないということで、それならばとNote用に英訳しました。 尚、私の相談者の話なので、守秘義務上、変えている部分があります。 内容は、ある日、料理をしない一人暮らしの彼の家に行ったところ、冷蔵庫のド真ん中に「みりん」を見つけたという話です。 あのユーミンの「真珠のピアス」みたく、「みりん」はライバルのジェラシー&意地悪なメッセージを表しますΣ(・□・;) ☆本日は「37」さんのイラストを使わせていただきました♡

One of my clients, Ms. A, used to work as a secretary at O company, where male employees earned high salaries and were all alumni of top-notch universities worldwide.

Although Ms. A had no intention of finding her mate there, one of her co-workers approached her and went out.

One day, Ms. A visited her boyfriend, who lived alone in the apartment.

Opening the refrigerator, something peculiar seized her.

That was Mirin.

Seemingly, it was almost new, maybe used once or twice.

It was placed at the center as if anybody would find it very quickly.

Then her intuition told her a girl came there.

Her boyfriend worked from very early in the morning till late at night and had no cooking time.

Having known that fact, she was sure that he would never buy Mirin to cook!

She asked him if someone came there, but he faltered under her straight questioning.

Ms. A said to me, "Setting Mirin at the center of the refrigerator is a message, 'I have stolen your boyfriend.'”

Well, I agreed that her intuition would probably be correct.

Then, I remembered a song of "Pearl Pierce” by Yuiming a long time ago; that was about a message to a rival of one's boyfriend.
(A song, "Mirin in the refrigerator” cannot be cool( ´艸`))

Later, Ms. A told me that the Mirin incident was a plot by one of her girl co-workers, who knew she(Ms. A) had a good hunch to be aware of the other girl by finding Mirin in the refrigerator.

Mirin was indeed the form of challenge.
