In this work, Tokuma Nishioka played Hiromatsu Toda, who works for Toranaga Yoshii, played by Sanada. He talked about the behind-the-scenes aspects of Hiromatsu's work, including how he prepared for his role as Toranaga's katana, who survives many hardships and meets a tragic end, his Hollywood shooting style, and his combination with Sanada, who has co-starred with him in many works.
ドラマ「SHOGUN 将軍」に登場する吉井虎永は、実在の人物ではなく、徳川家康をモデルにした架空の人物です。
「SHOGUN 将軍」は、ジェームズ・クラベルの1975年のベストセラー歴史小説『将軍』を原作とした全10話のミニシリーズで、16世紀の封建時代の日本を舞台にしています。吉井虎永は、このドラマのメインキャラクターで、俳優の真田広之が演じ、プロデューサーも務めました。
Is SHOGUN work faithful to Japanese spiritual traditions, such as how to wear a kimono?
Yoshii Toranaga, who appears in the drama ``Shogun Shogun,'' is not a real person, but a fictional character modeled after Tokugawa Ieyasu.
SHOGUN is a 10-episode miniseries based on James Clavell's best-selling 1975 historical novel SHOGUN, set in 16th century feudal Japan. The main character of this drama, Yoshii Toranaga, is played by actor Hiroyuki Sanada, who also served as a producer.
Although the drama is based on historical figures and events, it intentionally avoids being faithful to history, creating continuity in events and making the emotional movements of the characters more realistic.