
❄Day Day ❄&TEAM❄


佐々木 優太(ささき ゆうた、1984年7月7日 - )は、兵庫県加古川市出身[1][2]の日本のタレント。ラジオパーソナリティー、シンガーソングライター、神社ソムリエ、神社巡拝家として活動している
Yuta Sasaki (born July 7, 1984) is a talent from Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture. He is also active as a radio personality, singer-songwriter, shrine sommelier, and shrine pilgrim.

(Recommend the appropriate shrine to the person seeking advice.)

\Today's #DayDay . 🌱/


Live appearance as a member on days of the week 👔




New song “Yukikari”

Live performance too! ❄️

*Excluding some areas

Please take a look 📺

&TEAMとは、世界的アーティストが所属する HYBEの日本本社 HYBEJAPAN 傘下の HYBE LABELS JAPAN から初めてデビューする、グローバルグループ。


&TEAM is a global group that will debut for the first time from HYBE LABELS JAPAN, the Japanese headquarters of HYBE, which includes artists from all over the world.

As for the meaning of the group's name, the official website says, ``&TEAM is ``9 diverse people connected by &, connecting people to people, people to the world, connecting with fans, and connecting fans with fans.And becoming a community with a shared destiny.'' ``In order for us to grow even better, we must continue to exceed our limits by concentrating our individual energies.''
