
スミレの山 高尾山⑪ マルバスミレ Takao, the mountain of violets: No.11 Maruba-sumire


Mt. Takao is known as habitats for a wide variety of wild violet flowers (in Japanese, sumire, or “Sue-Mee-Ray”). In Japan, about 50 species of wild violets (*1) have been confirmed, and 18 of them are said to grow naturally in the Mt. Takao area(*2). Every year from the beginning of March to the end of May, you can find pretty violet flowers all over the place in Mt. Takao and its surroundings.

(Stealing and vandalizing wild plants in the areas designated under the Natural Parks Act are illegal and subject to a criminal charge.)

マルバスミレ(Viola keiskei)は、高尾のスミレの中では遅咲きで、4月の上旬頃にその盛りを迎えます。盛りの時期になると他のスミレの多くは花を落としていますので、山道では主役級の存在になります。まるで、それを狙っているかのようです。

Among the violets in Takao, the blooming season for Maruba-sumire (Viola keiskei) is relatively late in spring, reaching their peak around the beginning of April. In their peak season, most of the other violets in Takao have already dropped their flowers; consequentially Maruba-sumire become a main actor of that season in the trails, as if that were something they had intended to.


In their booming season, they are easily found in the mountains, but not too often at the foot of the mountain. As many people say, they do not appear to have features distinctive from other violets, which makes the identification difficult. Their round leaves, which are the origin of the name, do not appear to be very distinctive compared with other violets. However, just as parents can identify which one of the twins, you will be able to distinguish them readily after having observed them so many and so much. In fact, the shapes of the flower and leaves are nothing like other violets.


Because their blooming season is relatively late amongst violets in Takao, when I see them, they remind me that the season of violets is approaching to an end.

門田裕一,『日本の野生植物 3』, (平凡社、2016), P.209
Yuichi Kadota, "Wild Flowers of Japan 3," (Heibonsha K.K. 2016), P.209
東京都 高尾山ビジターセンター
The Takao Visitor Center

