




「ポピー くるくるてれび」というおもちゃではないかと思われます。


それは小学館の「日本の歴史 別巻1 人物事典」です。検索していて、この表紙を見た瞬間に記憶が戻って「はっ!!」と声が漏れました。



Recently, I remembered the toys that I had when I was a child.To be exact, the toys may have been handed down from the brothers, so they may have been sold in real time, but they have a vague memory.

Among them, there are about three toys who still wish they had this!

The first is a Kamen Rider film camera toy?
It's shaped like an 8mm film camera, and there's a trigger at the grip, and when you pull it, the film inside starts to spin.If you look at it with one eye from the finder, is the Mask Rider (I think it's No. 1) transformed?You're going to do something you want to do?Like riding a motorcycle?I remember the scene toIt must have been about 20 seconds of film.
The battery ran out of sight, so they lost interest and threw it away for some time...

The second one was a book like a book.I think it's a so-called animal book, but I was scared of animals that had exquisite reality in their pictures.A private house on the bear page?There is a picture of a bear attacking a hut? and a person with a torch in his hand is dying from a beautiful stabbing of his upper body into a wooden board!
Also, on the page of an extinct animal, there were white hairy long tongues standing on two legs, and huge squids attacking the sailboat, which matched the fun and creepiness of it.I have no recollection of the cover, of any publisher, and I may remember a few books in a tangle, but certainly there were such books.

And lastly, it came out after I searched earlier, so I'm sure.
It's called "The History of Japan" by Shogakukan. It's a separate volume 1 person dictionary.I was searching, and the moment I saw this cover, my memory returned and my voice went "Huh!"
This cover is exactly!!It was a bestseller for more than 35 years, and I could remember it thanks to this cover, which has been revised and has not changed.Maybe I threw it away at the time of moving...

There were a lot of things that happened when I was a child, and there are not many things that still remain.It's the same with the city scenery.I think it's better to keep this as much as possible.
