


そのまま、「日本人の友人をつくる 難しい」とかって検索したら、「日本在住歴数年のどこどこ出身の何々さんのストーリー」みたいなものか、「大人になってからの友達の作り方」みたいなものが出てくる。


私の仮説と意見として海外の友人達にいうのは、「やー、日本人の友人を作るのは難しいと思うよ。私も、日本人の友人あんまおらんし笑 相手が何考えてるか、わからんから」ということ。私自身も、もし10年程前の自分だったら、自分でさえ何考えているかよくわからなくって、自尊心かなり低くて、嫌われたくなくて、とにかく内気だったから、そういう人が相手だったら、そりゃ、無理だわと思う。これは、自らの経験から断言できるけれど、そーゆう人は環境を変えるしかない。自分のことを全く知らない人々の中で、一度埋もれる(異なる文化や言語に)経験はとても貴重。


Quoraでも”Is it really hard to make Japanese Friends?”(日本人の友人をつくるのは本当に難しいのか?)という質問があがっていた。一番人気だった回答をここに載せる。

I do think, based on my experience of living in several countries including Japan, the hurdle for making friends is a little higher here. However, this is universally true among Japanese as it is between Japanese and another national (when assuming no language issues.) This has to do with how adults socialize differently in Japan, and how people are under less pressure to have an active social life compared to US or Europe.


There are, here like anywhere else, introverts and extroverts. However, cultural and geographical context is known to skew the ratio of I/E in whichever direction and I am fairly convinced that Japan is much more accepting of introverts and there are more of them. No one will judge you for “not having a life” if you don’t maintain a large network of friends at all times.


This creates a natural and relative difficulty in this society for extroverts to thrive. For a society that attaches value judgments such as frivolous, superficial, lack of professional diligence to an adult with an active social life, this is like the reverse situation of western societies that judges introverts as being lacking in confidence and character and boring. If one comes from a more extrovert oriented society, it may give the perception that it is hard to make friends here.


The issue appears to be progressing as well. I hear and read a lot about especially young, pre-marital adults really struggling to make friends, and are becoming unhealthily lonely particularly in universities. A lot of young people don’t date any more, and thus virginity rate among twenty something is climbing rapidly. People also are very bad at rejecting and being rejected. As a result, marriage rate is declining.


Having said all this, for individuals, there are ways. There are hobby circles and classes that one can go to. Online and offline dating services are taking off and is gaining social acceptance. It is much easier to have friends and relationship with work colleagues than in other countries. Like in any culture, it is generally better to approach people in ways that they expect. There is a bit of research necessary to identify how people hook up here, whether with friends or with potential romantic partners.




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