
Plug-in hybrids are a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' プラグイン・ハイブリッド車は '羊の皮を被った狼'?


Carbon dioxide emissions from plug-in hybrid cars are as much as two-and-a-half times higher than official tests suggest, according to new research.


Plug-in hybrid vehicles are powered by an electric motor using a battery that is recharged by being plugged in or via an on-board petrol or diesel engine.
They account for 3% of new car sales.


But analysis from (注1) pressure groups Transport and Environment and Greenpeace suggest they emit an average of 120g of CO2 per km. That compares with the 44g per km in official "lab" tests

しかし環境保護団体のGreenpeace や Transport & Environment.org の分析によると、1km走行あたり平均120gものCO2を排出していると示唆されている。

これと公に発表されているいわゆる '〇〇研究所’ での試験による 1km走行あたり44g という数値と比較してみると・・・

(注1) pressure group (意味を辞書で調べたら「圧力団体」、圧力団体って宣伝カーに乗っているイメージですね。他に良い呼び方はなんだろう。ここでは単に「環境保護団体」と入れたほうがしっくりきますね。)

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are sold as a (注2) low-carbon alternative to traditional vehicles and conventional hybrids - which cannot be recharged from an external source - and are proving increasingly popular.


(注2) low-carbon (「低炭素」。「低炭素社会 low-carbon society」「低炭素経済 low-carbon economy」など)

The new research is published as the government considers whether to (注3) bring forward a proposed ban on the sale of new petrol, diesel and conventional hybrid cars from 2035 to 2030.


(注3) bring forward(新車販売禁止案施行を予定していた2035年から2030年に早める=前倒し。2018年時点では2040年だったのに10年も早まるかもしれないんですね。)

'Official' versus 'real world' (注4)
’公式’ vs ’リアルワールド’

(注4) real world(これをそのまま訳すと「現実世界」。でもなんだか変なのでググってみたら、製薬業界などで使われている言葉らしいです。臨床試験(治験)などの限られたデータに比べて、実際に薬が販売された後の実臨床データやエビデンスのことを「リアルワールドデータ」や「リアルワールドエビデンス」と言うそうです。なのでここではそのままカタカナで「リアルワールド」でいいですね。

The BBC understands one suggestion is that plug-in hybrids should be given a stay of execution (注5), with new sales allowed to continue until 2035.


(注5) stay of execution (「執行猶予」この内容では何か他の言い回しができそうですが・・・今のところこれで。

But this new analysis from Transport and Environment and Greenpeace suggests they don't offer anything like the carbon dioxide savings claimed for them by manufacturers.

しかしこの環境保護団体による この新しい分析結果が、自動車メーカーが主張する「CO2の削減」のようなものは全く提供されていないということを示唆している。

The official tests indicate that plug-in hybrids emit an average of 44g per km of CO2. These tests are conducted on a circuit and see vehicles driven in a way that regulators consider "normal".
The real figure, however, according to the report, is more like 120g per km.


The pressure groups have analysed what they say is "real-world" data on fuel efficiency collected from some 20,000 plug-in hybrid drivers around Europe.


These are drivers who have chosen to record their mileage and fuel consumption for surveys or who drive company or leased vehicles whose fuel efficiency is recorded.


According to this (注7) data-set the lifetime emissions of a plug-in hybrid average around 28 tonnes of CO2.
By comparison, the average petrol or diesel car is estimated to emit between 39 and 41 tonnes of CO2 from fuel during its lifetime, a conventional hybrid would typically emit more like 33 tonnes.


(注7) data-set (「データセット」 コンピュータプログラムで処理されるデータの集合体のこと。)

According to these figures a plug-in hybrid would only deliver an emissions reduction of about a third on a typical petrol or diesel car - far less than the official estimates.

この数値結果によるとプラグイン・ハイブリッド車は一般的なガソリンやディーゼル車の約3分の1程度しかCO2量を削減できておらず ー 公式の推計量よりもはるかに少ないと言える。 

The motor industry acknowledges that lab tests don't always reflect real-world use but criticised the report, saying it uses emissions data from a test that is two years old.


"PHEVs provide a flexibility few other technologies can yet match with extended range for longer, out-of-town journeys and battery power in urban areas, reducing emissions and improving city air quality," Mike Hawes, the chief executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders told the BBC.

”PHEVsは走行可能距離のさらなる拡張、郊外への運転や都市部でのバッテリー機能、排出量の削減や街の大気環境の改善など、他のテクノロジーではまだ到達できていない柔軟性というものを提供している”と自動車製造販売業者協会の最高経営責任者であるマイク・ホーズは BBCに説明した。

He says he expects the range and performance will continue to improve, making them an "essential stepping stone to a fully electric vehicle"


Greenpeace meanwhile describes PHEVs as "the car industry's wolf in sheep's clothing".


"They may seem a much more environmentally friendly choice," says Rebecca Newsom, the pressure group's head of politics, "but false claims of lower emissions are a ploy by car manufacturers to go on producing SUVs and petrol and diesel engines."


Driver behaviour

Transport and Environment's analysis says a key problem with plug-in hybrids is that so many owners rarely actually charge their cars, meaning they rely on the petrol or diesel engine.

Transport and Environment.org の分析によるとプラグイン・ハイブリッド車の主な問題はこのタイプの車の所有者が全くというほど車を充電しない点にあり、最終的にガソリンやディーゼルに動力源を頼ってしまっていることにある。
Another is that many plug-in hybrid models include design features that automatically turn on the petrol/diesel engine at start-up on a cold day, or will kick in that engine if driver accelerates hard. The latter mode means that the car's emissions will depend a lot on the driver's behaviour.


"If you always charge the battery and tend to do lots of short journeys, they will have very low emissions," says Nick Molden, who runs Emissions Analytics, a company that specialises in vehicle emissions evaluation.
"If you never charge the battery and (注8) drive very aggressively then they can have significantly higher emissions than the equivalent petrol or diesel model," he continues.


(注8) drive very aggressively(なんとでも取れそうな言い方。なんとなく煽り運転のあの人を思い出した。ここでは高速とかで無駄にスピードを出しているイメージ?あとは私みたいに無駄にブレーキ踏む感じ?でしょうか)


