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In my previous article, I talked about "What good is it to live in subjective truth?" In this article, I will talk about why it is difficult to live in subjective truth.

In my previous articles, I have told you that living in subjective truth can do the following good things.

When living in subjective truth...
▼Energy springs from within.
▼Opportunities increase due to links between people.
▼It becomes easier to be creative.
▼It is more likely to experience a flow state.

When we think about it this way, there seems to be no reason why we should not aim to live in subjective truth. However, living in subjective truth is not an easy thing to do. We cannot ignore the voices in you ( and in me) that say this.

▼All we can do is to do what we have to do in front of us.
▼ "Doing what we want to do" is idealistic. In reality, there are many restrictions.
▼Make a living (business) first. Dream stories come later.

The voices that come up are different, but they all agree that we find it difficult to reconcile the realities of what we need to do, what is expected of us, and the relationships we have with those around us, with living a life of subjective truth.

Contradiction between living in subjective truth and living in harmony with society and surroundings

It tends to cause contradictions and conflicts between living in subjective truth and living in harmony with society and surroundings. And these contradictions and conflicts are the very difficulty of living in subjective truth.

To live in subjective truth
    ⇅ (Contradiction or conflict)
To live in harmony with society and surroundings

Living in harmony with society and our surroundings does not only mean maintaining good relationships with those around us, but it also includes making a living and following the rules of society. It includes everything we imagine when we use the word "reality" when we say, "But reality is...".

▼The contradiction between what we want to do and what we should do at work.
▼The contradiction that what I want to do is not enough to make a living for myself (and my family).
▼The contradiction of not having the resources (physical strength, ability, funds, and cooperation from others) to realize what we want to do.

In a sense, it is natural to have such contradictions and conflicts when trying to live in the subjective truth, as it seems that there is not a single person who does not have such conflicts and contradictions.

However, there are significant differences between people in the way they confront these contradictions and conflicts.


When confronted with a contradiction, some people take a worldview of compromising, while others take a worldview of Aufheben. The compromising worldview is the one where we compromise and take a part of either side of the contradiction, while the Aufheben worldview is the one where we swallow the contradiction and sublimate it into a different form from the original to achieve compatibility.

The most important key to overcoming the difficulty of living in subjective truth is to embody this worldview of Aufheben, that is, to believe that there is a story that can integrate the reality of living in subjective truth with the reality of living in harmony with society and surroundings.

A Journey of Social Implementation of Subjective Truth

The journey of social implementation of subjective truth begins when we have a worldview of cessation, and when we can see, even if only a little, that it is possible to have a story that reconciles contradictory things. It is the social implementation of subjective truth, not the subjective truth-ization of social events. It is to start with the inner energy of subjective truth, and to expand that energy in a way that is harmonious with the surroundings.

This may be a little off topic, but I would like to talk about my thoughts on the word "social implementation". In addition to the concept of living in subjective truth, the word "social implementation" is something that I place a lot of importance on. The word "social implementation" means embodying what we want to do, what we want to be, what we want to do, and how we want to live, to society (someone other than ourselves).

The reason why I use the word "social implementation" instead of "realization" is because I still think "realization" is a good way to describe it though, but hopefully it won't be completed in one person, and if it can have a positive impact on the people around us, it would be a great thing for us.

On the other hand, I think the most important thing is to live in the subjective truth, so even though subjective truth is complete within us, that's perfectly fine, and I don't deny those things at all.

However, hopefully, it would be wonderful if we could create a society in which we could challenge ourselves to influence the people around us and implement them into society. If more and more people have that kind of pure heart, we will not only be able to influence the people around us, but the people around us will also able to influence us by the subjective truths of them, and that will be one of the best parts of life.

By the way, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, it can be said that living in the subjective truth and implementing it in society are two conflicting words.

The subjective truth, in the extreme, is the truth within oneself that has nothing to do with others, so we can complete it within ourselves. On the other hand, social implementation is not complete within oneself.

There is a major contradiction in the social implementation of subjective truth, namely, a contradiction, or a tension arises between what you think is good and what other people think is good.

In addition, there is the contradiction and tension that subjective truths are not something that can be seen objectively, such as thoughts, intuition, inspiration, and images within oneself, but social implementation is, as the word implementation implies, something that is visible.

Because there are such contradictions and tensions, we, as the people concerned, need to confront these tensions and contradictions, and it is not always possible to immediately realize what we have envisioned.

The entire image of the journey of confronting such conflicts is called "social implementation of proactive truth.

For example, let's say there is a child who wants to be a baseball player, and it is a subjective truth for that child that he wants to be a baseball player.

When the child wants to become a professional baseball player,  it is necessary to be good at baseball, to be able to play in a team, and to be able to perform well in the game. Also, at each stage from elementary school to junior high school, from junior high school to high school, and from high school to college or professional team, it is easier to get the attention of scouts if he/she win as a team, but there is also a reality that the team's ability and his/her ability do not necessarily match.

Thus, the social implementation of the subjective truth is to continue to work hard to become a professional baseball player even though the reality is that it does not always work out by his or her will alone.

Enjoying the journey of confronting the conflicts and contradictions

When I write this, you may imagine a rather stoic and painful story. Conflicts and worries are generally perceived as negative, so it is no wonder that "the journey of confronting the conflicts and contradictions" sounds like a very painful thing.

However, are conflicts and worries really negative? Doesn't the fact that we have conflicts and worries mean that we have ideals? If we have an ideal, or something we want to achieve, we are bound to have some kind of conflicts and worries.

Therefore, having conflicts and worries is not necessarily a negative thing, but rather something that is good to have, something that is natural. Of course, it is not good to lose one's energy due to conflicts and worries, but it is very healthy to face conflicts and worries while maintaining one's energy.

Furthermore, by connecting with the concept of my article, "ISHIKI(Consciousness) Management," you can imagine it as a "fun adventure journey" that allows you to take a positive view of contradictions, tensions, and stresses and challenges.

For many people to embody the journey of life, the "social implementation of the subjective truth", as a "joyful adventure journey" through "ISHIKI(Consciousness) Management" while "living lively here and now".
This is what I want to achieve most.

Here are the quests of the day. (If you'd like, please share your thoughts in the comments.)

・If there is a subjective truth about yourself or the company, organization or school you belong to, how do you implement it in society? Or are you trying to?

・What struggles do you have right now when you are trying to implement subjective truth in society? Or do you anticipate having it in the future?

Bunshiro Ochiai
