
海軍兵学校入試 - 英文和訳 - 前半(明治30年)




例題… 北に 2500m 離れている点を敗走中の速さ 650m/分 の敵艦に対して、魚雷を北から30°西の方向に発射したところ、敵艦を撃破したという。発射後何分何秒後に命中したか?
ただし、魚雷の速さは 1100m/分 で、敵艦は我が艦から遠ざかっているものとする。

海軍兵学校 昭和10年 代数


(6)、(おまけ)は、これを解くと、明治30年当時の北極・南極の常識が見えてきます  現代で否定されたでしょうか、それとも肯定されたでしょうか?




Indian steamers do not often call at St. Helena on the outward voyage, but it is a usual station in the homeward track


Lord St. Vincent had lost none of his old energy, and was the last man in the world to suffer his authority to be set at nought.
*nought … nothing の古い形


I hate to see a thing done by halves; if it be right, do it boldly : if it be wrong, leave it undone.


A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words that he is wiser to-day than he was yester-day.


Ere long we discern the promontory of Trafalgar stretching into the Atlantic - a spot hallowed by what in the estimation of Englishman, is certainly the most memorable of all the event which have made this corner of Europe famous in ancient and in modern society.
*ere(接続詞・前置詞) … before(接続詞・前置詞)の古い形


Let us imagine ourselves elevated above the region of the North Pole to a height sufficient to enable us to take in at one view the whole Arctic Circle.
What we should see immediately beneath us cannot be certainly affirmed. Probably it would be a open Poler Sea discovered by Dr. Hayes of Kane's Expedition, in 1853. If the view adopted by most geographers be correct, there rolls around the Pole a sea about twelve hundred miles in breadth, abounding in animal life, and kept free from ice during a great part of the year by the influence of equatorial waters, which reach it by way of Spitzbergen and Nova Zembra.


南極に広大なる陸地ありとは広く想像せられ居るも未だに探求し得たる人を聞かず (明治30年・海軍兵学校)




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