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tyrannical tactic

Tulsi Gabbard@TulsiGabbard Newest Trump indictment is Biden Admin's latest tyrannical tactic to distract and drain resources from his main political adversary. So now anyone who criticizes how govt runs an election is a criminal? Dem elite

    • 巨額の生活費危機

      Kathleen Tysonさんがいいねしました Holger Zschaepitz@Schuldensuehner Good Morning from #Hungary, which is suffering from a HUGE Cost of Living Crisis. The prices in the supermarkets are - apart from prices w/price ceiling such as milk w/fat content o

      • Coup

        Wall Street Silver@WallStreetSilv BREAKING: The president of Niger has just been overthrown by soldiers. All institutions have been suspended, borders closed and a curfew introduced. Protesters gathered to defend democracy were dispersed by

        • Thank you Elon

          DogeDesigner@cb_doge Thank you Elon, for helping humanity through your companies & making the future worth getting excited about. We love you! イーロン、あなたの会社を通して人類を助け、ワクワクする価値のある未来を作ってくれてありがとう。 私たちはあなたを愛してます!


        • コロナウイルスとワクチン

        • 悪の掃討作戦

        • 代理戦争/the proxy war

        • 国家債務/national debt

        • コロナウイルスとワクチン

        • 悪の掃討作戦

        • 代理戦争/the proxy war

        • 国家債務/national debt




          Mario Nawfal@MarioNawfal HUNTER BIDEN PUT JOE BIDEN ON CALLS WITH BUSINESSMEN MORE THAN 24 TIMES The evidence of Joe Biden allegedly using his Vice Presidency for illicit and unethical financial gain is mounting. Additional eye witness test



          Kim Dotcom@KimDotcom We now know with certainty that the US Govt caused the Covid-19 pandemic with gain-of-function experiments funded by Fauci. The US Govt killed more people with Covid than the Nazis killed Jews in concentration camps. Re



          Kim Dotcom@KimDotcom The Western media had 24 hour coverage of the Wagner Group mutiny in Russia. Now France is on fire and there’s almost no coverage in the Western media. Why? Because they don’t want people in the West to get bad ideas. T


          Tulsi Gabbard@TulsiGabbard Today’s Democratic Party has led us to the brink of nuclear war. The party is led by cowardly warmongers who are firmly in the grips of the military industrial complex, and don’t know or care about the cost of wa


          an Elaborate and Active Cover-Up

          UngaTheGreat@UngaTheGreat .@RandPaul: Anthony Fauci Orchestrated an Elaborate and ‘Active Cover-Up’ “What we know is from the very first days of the pandemic in January of 2020, that Anthony Fauci orchestrated in an elaborate cover-up, he

          an Elaborate and Active Cover-Up


          Richard@ricwe123 All the time we hear how evil Vladimir Putin is. But then every time I see him talk, he's more learned, sensible, straightforward, and honest than any US politician..... ウラジミール・プーチンがいかに邪悪であるかを常に耳にします。 しかし、彼が話しているのを見るたびに、彼はど



          Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene@RepMTG 2022年4月23日 Today and everyday is 1776. Never give up our freedoms. Never let the left steal them away. Be a watchman on the wall and stay on guard every single second of every single day because the left w



          JayJay@2Trump2024 2023年5月19日 With all due respect, don't try to fix it. FIX IT. Please. It is not a big problem, it is a severe crack in the foundation of trust in our intelligence agencies. Weaponizing the FBI for political influence, and



          TheStormHasArrived@TheStormRedux 午後9:59 · 2023年5月16日 Marsha Blackburn: “Now we find out it was Hillary… who was cooking this plan up and then saying it was the Russians & blaming it on Donald Trump, when all along it was Hillary Clinton who

          馬鹿野郎!/such a cretin!

          Elon Musk@elonmusk 2023年5月16日 This is idiotic on so many levels: 1. That cretin never advised me on anything whatsoever. 2. The notion that I would need or listen to financial advice from a dumb crook is absurd. 3. JPM let Tesla down ten ye

          馬鹿野郎!/such a cretin!


          Pelham@Resist_05 Twitter's new CEO Linda Yaccarino praising BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink for introducing the World Economic Forum’s ESG policy. Twitterの新CEOリンダ・ヤッカリーノ氏は、世界経済フォーラムのESG政策を導入したブラックロックCEOラリー・フィンク氏を称賛した。 ESGとは|簡単解説 | 野村アセットマネジメント (n


          Linda Yaccarino@lindayacc 午前8:51 · 2023年5月14日 I see I have some new followers... I’m not as prolific as @elonmusk (yet!), but I’m just as committed to the future of this platform. Your feedback is VITAL to that future. I’m here for all of i
