fall blue flower of mine 堕ちろ私の青い花よ

le us tarry not now, move, on and fall,

ye yawning blue flowers of morn!

tarrry not longer in God's hazy delight, darkened star. (of dead velvety twilight).

what a bore are those things that do not shed colours nor scent.

as things become momentous with such grace in their blue, blasting, blue churning descent!

(down the sheer gradient of the blue, blue moutain!) like petals that roll down a green hill. or float alobg the stream let out by the green fountain.

green is the heart that sees the petals fall, to the enchanted flow of life on all mysterious angles. a wobbling lotus boat, a murmuring song. pain.

green is the wonder of life

 the blue flower petals that shall return, one day, against the flow. pining. when green has returned from her cold, ghoulish grave

tarry not at the coming of night! ye yawning blue flowers of mine!

though the blueness of your watery lotus eyes are to be dyed in ink. blind

let the darkling flow guided by quill

propelled by the strokes, and cared by tender rippling

to the sounding cave of music that is the misty heavenly sphere, or 'neath the glory-board of black soil yet another webbed nexus divine

and to hammer out from walls and ceilings as invisible hymnal notes of songs of songs, to fill and overwhelm 

the sorrow and sorrow and sorrow within

again as if all bounteous rainfall and inexhaust fountain! such crystalized blue things!

let tears and moaning make a goat's ode

to the Shepherd in the wilderness' eternal delight! (Pan). He who is gazing afar beyond both earth of day and sky of night!

to your eternal joy i sing my cherished chary love song! the song for the starry night.dead night. sad night. loving tenderly in blindness.

Io! i am come!
