

01. 星の蜃気楼

作詞・作曲:ホリエアツシ 編曲:ホリエアツシ 阿部将也

It's no exaggeration to say that it was the reason I started making music, and I'm very honored to be involved in Horie's music. It's a song full of love that was refined by the two of us as we talked about it.

I love the part where Momoko and Horie interact 

02. もうすぐ0時


03. Starry Sky

作詞・作曲:菊池桃子 編曲:林哲司

04. 星の蜃気楼 -Instrumental-

05. もうすぐ0時 -Instrumental-

06. Starry Sky -Instrumental-

今シーズンのまち歩きは、ストレイテナーのホリエアツシさんから音楽仲間にバトンタッチ。在宅系バンドユニット「zonji(ゾンジ)」のボーカル/プロデューサー 阿部将也さんの登場です。


For this season's walk around the town, straightener Atsushi Horie will be passing the baton to his fellow musicians. Introducing Masaya Abe, vocalist/producer of the home-based band unit "zonji".

For the first time, the two of us walked through the streets of Asagaya and visited spots selected by Abe. In this 4-part series, we will introduce the charms of the four Suginami stations along the Chuo Line.

🎋Tanabata town...I was surprised. I was impressed.凄い驚きました!!🎋
