

I happened to see Mr. Nishio, the president of Tokyo Rickshaw, who I had fallen in love with after watching ``Non-Fiction,'' so I took the plunge to say hi to him and tell him I was rooting for him. He was extremely kind.




In Ginza 7-chome, Tokyo, there is Hiyoshi-gumi, Japan's only rickshaw inn dedicated to transporting geishas.[4] The Hiyoshi-gumi is named after the former name of Hiyoshi-cho, and its rickshaw driver, Hisashi, also appeared in the movie Ageman, in which a geisha is transported in a one-person rickshaw covered with a hood.[5] .

In addition, an auxiliary device has been developed that attaches removable handles to a wheelchair to make it look like a rickshaw, helping people with disabilities and the elderly move around [6].

🌹マルサの女(A Taxing Woman)はとても良かったですよね✨✨✨🌹

Ryoko Itakura is a skilled investigator at the Minato Town Tax Office, a tax office located somewhere in the southern Kanto region. continuing. One day, he smells tax evasion at a love hotel run by businessman Hideki Gondo and investigates it, but due to the limitations of the tax office, which does not have the authority to conduct a compulsory investigation, it is difficult to uncover Gondo's elaborate tax evasion. I couldn't do it.
国税局査察部(通称:マル査)に勤務する女性査察官と脱税者との戦いを、コミカルかつシニカルに描いた映画。 監督・脚本は伊丹十三。

