
餃子の作り方 - How to Make GYOZA (dumpling)

English is followed.



・豚ひき肉 600〜650 gram(ファミリーパックがオススメ)
・白菜またはキャベツ 半分
・にら 1束
・市販の餃子の皮(20枚入り)80〜100枚(目安 大判80枚、普通100枚) 

【調味料】※小さじ=5 cc、大さじ=15 cc

・生姜 1片
・味噌 大さじ2
・オイスターソース 大さじ1
・ごま油 小さじ2
・蜂蜜 小さじ2(黒糖なければ白糖)
・塩、胡椒 適量


・白菜(キャベツ)は約5 mm角程のみじん切り、
 ニラは3 mm幅程の小口切り、にんにくと生姜はすり下ろしておきます。











今回は直径21 cm(28 cm)のフライパン(テフロン加工)に対し、直径約16 cm(約26 cm)のお皿を使用します






in English

Recipe for Gyoza (Japanese style dumplings) 

Serves 80-100 gyoza (for 10 people)


600-650 grams of minced pork (family packs sold in supermarkets are recommended)
Half of Chinese cabbage(Hakusai) or cabbage
1 bunch of Chinese chives
80-100 sheets of gyoza skin* (80 large sheets or 100 regular sheets)
(*We recommend MORANBONG’s with glutinous flour.)

[Seasoning] (*5 cc for teaspoon, 15 cc for tablespoon)

2 to 3 cloves of garlic (2 teaspoons if it's in a tube)
1 clove of ginger
2 tablespoons of miso
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
2 teaspoons sesame oil
2 teaspoons honey (brown sugar or white sugar)
Salt and pepper to taste

[Preparing the filling]

1.  Finely chop Chinese cabbage into small cubes of about 5 mm, chives into small pieces of about 3 mm wide, and grate garlic and ginger.
*We don't squeeze the water out of the vegetables.
2.  In a large bowl, add [seasoning] to minced meat and knead well.
At first, crush the minced meat so that it comes out from between your fingers, and when it becomes soft, knead it in a bowl by rubbing it with your palm.
Mix quickly to prevent the fat of the minced meat from melting.
3.  Add the chopped vegetables and stir to combine.
Add a little at a time from the Chinese cabbage and mix to mash it up.
Chives are the last.
Let the flavor acclimate for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Use kitchen paper to absorb and remove excess water.

[How to wrap it]

Place a large amount of the filling in the center of the skin, and remove the excess with a spatula.
At this point, try to scrape off the filling towards the edge of the skin.
(The way it's wrapped, it's your choice.)
*Never use water for bonding.
*The gyoza skin is opened one bag at a time to avoid drying out.
*Our house is a simple 4-pleats

[Baking Method]

This time, we use a 21cm (28cm) diameter frying pan (Teflon coated) and a 16cm (26cm) diameter plate.
Put 9-10 pieces (15-17 pieces) in a circle and 1-2 pieces (2-3 pieces) in the center for a total of 11-12 pieces (17-20 pieces) in a lightly heated frying pan.
Add water to 1/3 of the height of the gyoza, cover with a lid, and steam over medium heat until the water is absorbed.
Shake the pan back and forth and brown the gyoza while turning them in a circular motion, just before the moisture is gone.
Cover the pan with a plate of grilled gyoza and turn it over, and the gyoza are ready.
