
意識の授業についてのアンケートの結果 日本語と英語のツイートで。(For English version, see at the end of this essay)

2022 Oct 7 に、北大CHAINの吉田さんと、大学生・大学院生向けに行っている意識の授業についてZoom/Youtube上で話しました。





On 2022 Oct 7, I spoke with Prof Yoshida of CHAIN, Hokkaido University, on Zoom/Youtube about the lectures on consciousness, we conduct for undergraduate and graduate students. 

During the Zoom/Youtube, we came up with a marketing idea. Rather than just talking our ideas only, we actually asked Youtube viewers for a survey about what topics they were looking for in the class on consciousness. Since the sample size was small, we asked the same set of questions in both Japanese and English on Twitter over the last week. The results are as follows. (Both followers count around 3000-4000) as of 2022 Oct 16. 

As with the following questions, there are more responses in Japanese, so we cannot simply compare them in percentage terms. Furthermore, there may be a discrepancy between what my Twitter followers want and what students who may actually take our classes want. So, I'll use these answers as a reference, but I think I'll do one more last minute survey before the class starts to the students who will take the class next year.

Q2. It's clear that they are looking for specific knowledge. And not interpersonal skills. But whether students become a researcher or in another profession, interpersonal skills are important in the end, I think. And I think that's what many undergraduate and graduate students lack the most. And these skills are something that are harder to learn in other classes or books, I guess. In any case, given this result, if I comment on interpersonal skills stuff (e.g., presentations, constructive criticism and suggestions for other people's projects, attitude when listening to other people's presentations, etc.), maybe I should be extra careful and explain why I care about that stuff.

Q3. The votes were completely split on this one. Well, what you get depends on who the guests are, and since we were able to have a guest speaker session for the first time this year, we will consider what will happen in the future, including feedback.
