

馴染みのある英単語 ”call” には「呼ぶ」「電話する」
実は ”call” を使った英熟語は沢山あるんです!

1. call back:電話をかけ直す

【英】After leaving a message, I had to wait for the manager to call me back.

2. call back:(テレビなどに)再び出演する

【英】The popular actor was asked to call back for a guest appearance in the TV series.

3. call back:呼び戻す

【英】The manager decided to call back the employees who had been on furlough.

4. call by:立ち寄る

【英】On my way home from work, I decided to call by the supermarket to pick up some groceries.

5. call for:要求する

【英】The protesters called for immediate action on climate change.

6. call for:呼び掛ける

【英】The organization plans to call for volunteers to help with the charity event.

7. call for:迎えにいく

【英】 I'll call for you at 7 PM to pick you up for the movie.

8. call forth:呼び起こす

【英】The powerful speech called forth a wave of emotions among the audience.

9. call down:しかりつける

【英】The teacher called down the students who were being too loud during the class.

10. call on:訪問する

【英】We decided to call on our friends who recently moved to the new neighborhood.

11. call out:召集する(呼ばれて離れる場合)

【英】The manager called out all the employees to evacuate the building immediately.

12. call out:非難する

【英】The teacher called out a student for cheating during the exam.

13. call out:叫ぶ・かけ声をかける

【英】During the concert, the fans were excitedly calling out the singer's name.

14. call in:電話をする

【英】The customer called in to inquire about the status of their order.

15. call in:召集する(呼ばれて来る場合)

【英】The company called in all employees for an emergency meeting.

16. call off:中止する

【英】Due to heavy rain, the outdoor event was called off.

17. call off:(攻撃などを)やめさせる

【英】After negotiations, the two countries agreed to call off the military operation.

18. called to:声をかける

【英】As she walked past the park, her friend called to her from the other side of the street.

19.  call over:呼び寄せる

【英】The teacher called over the students to come and join the group activity.

20. call up:思い出す

【英】Hearing that familiar song always calls up memories of my childhood.

21.  call up:呼び出す

【英】The coach decided to call up a talented young player from the junior team.

22. call up:情報を映し出す

【英】He used a projector to call up the information on the computer screen.

23. call up:電話で誰かと話をする

【英】I'm going to call up my friend to discuss our weekend plans.

24. call to mind:心に呼び覚ます

【英】The old photograph called to mind memories of my childhood adventures.

25. call A one's own:Aを自分のものとみなす

【英】He finally called the small garden his own after planting and nurturing each flower.

26. on call:すぐ使える状態

【英】The IT support team is on call 24/7 to assist with any technical issues.

27. within call:すぐ近くに

【英】The doctor instructed the patient to keep the emergency medication within call.

28. good call:良い選択

【英】Booking the hotel near the conference venue turned out to be a good call.

29. bad call:悪い選択

【英】Investing all his savings in that risky venture turned out to be a bad call.

30. wake-up call:モーニングコール

【英】I requested a wake-up call from the hotel to ensure I wake up on time.

31. wake-up call:警鐘

【英】The recent increase in pollution levels should serve as a wake-up call for everyone.

32. call A to order:Aに静粛を命ずる

【英】 The chairperson called the attendees to order at the beginning of the meeting.

33. call attention:注意するよう呼び掛ける

【英】The teacher called attention to the student who was speaking out of turn.

34. call the shots:采配を振るう

【英】 In a well-organized team, the coach is the one who calls the shots during the game.

35. call the tune:(自分の思うとおりの)指図をする

【英】 In that company, the CEO is the one who calls the tune and makes all the major decisions.

36. call it a day:今日はこれで終わりにする

【英】Let's call it a day and continue tomorrow.

37. call it a night:その夜はこれで終わりにする

【英】It's getting late, so let's call it a night and get some rest.

38. call it quits:(仕事や習い事を)やめる

【英】After years of playing in the band, John decided to call it quits.

39. call it quits:(結婚生活などを)終わりにする

【英】The couple decided to call it quits and get a divorce.

40. call into question:問いただす

【英】The new evidence calls into question the validity of previous studies.

41. call a spade a spade:容赦なく言う

【英】She is known for her straightforwardness and always calls a spade a spade.

