




元記事:Music Roundup – January, February 2019

ブログHOME:Rodrovich's Sporadic Thought-Precipitator


Chiaki Mayumura – Gisshiri Haguki [Favorite album from January]

眉村ちあき–ぎっしり歯ぐき [1月のお気に入りアルバム]

I feel bad that Chiaki Mayumura wasn’t on my radar in 2018, but I’m glad that this is the first release I have heard from her because it’s flames, pure J-pop flames (2019 has to be the year she gets popular, I mean… c’mon!). 


Apparently, this 30-track double album is essentially Chiaki re-recording ‘almost’ all of her discography under a “proper” album release. Her previous albums’ sound had their own brand of DIY, lo-fi production quality to them, and while this aesthetic worked for some songs (like Dokkoi Tomorrow), an overwhelming majority of them felt underdone and demo-like where Chiaki’s voice got drowned in the muddy mix of the instruments.


So I am glad that Chiaki and her agents went forward with this project. Being a 30-track album, I don’t think I have listened to a Jpop release that sounds more “versatile” than this before. From introspective, emotive ballads (like Psychopath, Visit Someone in Hospital, Pure and Dear My Family) to a trap-flavored pop track (like MC Mayumura), with a weird monkey ad-lib section (like Did Mayumura-san Make This Really?) to something theatrical (like A 20-Year-Old Woman) and then just self-indulgent fun against simple instrumentation (like I was born in Australia and Viva☆Youth☆Turtle☆Tomato), Chiaki covers a lot of ground here.

だから、ちあきと彼女のエージェントたちがこのプロジェクトを押し進めていってくれたのが嬉しい。30曲入りアルバムっていう、こんな「多芸多才」なJ-POPなんて今まで聴いたことがない、と私は思ってる。心の内を見つめるような情感あふれるバラードから(サイコパス、面会、ピュア、Dear My Familyとか)、トラップ風なポップな曲(MC マユムラとか)、変な猿マネのアドリブ部分があったり(これホンマに眉村さんが作ったの?)、なんか芝居がかってたり(ハタチの女とか)、それから、シンプルな曲編成だけどやりたい放題で楽しいってだけのまで(I was born in Australia、ビバ☆青春☆カメ☆トマトとか)、ちあきがカバーしてる範囲はすごく広い。

 Even though she’s re-recording her previous stuff, she sounds like she was having a lot of fun on the recording booth; like she’s excited to sing these songs as if they were written the day before. Thanks to a crisper production, her energy is as cutting, funny and infectious as ever (I love her ad-libs and death growl segments in tracks like Tsukutsukuboushi and Knuckle Sense.


Her vocal delivery is nuanced and has a wide enough stylistic range to make sure whatever portion of the tracklisting you pick up the album from, you won’t get bored with the rest of them. Hell, she often effortlessly changes up styles in the middle of a song – what’s more cooler than that? I want to get into some highlights of the album by talking about individual tracks, but I would leave that for an essay of a review later on in the year. I still listen to it regularly, and it’s possibly going to be my favorite Jpop album in 2019 for a while… but wait! Mayumura-san’s got a new album over the horizon… I can’t wait.

彼女のヴォーカルは微妙なニュアンスに溢れてて、スタイルの幅がすごく広いから、アルバムの一部分にとりわけハマって残りの部分は退屈しちゃう、なんてことはないはず。っていうか、彼女は頻繁に、曲の途中で軽々とスタイルを変えたりするんだよ‥‥ほんとクールじゃない? できれば、一曲一曲を語ってこのアルバムの良さげな部分を取り上げたりしたいんだけど、そういうのは年内にするレビューまで取っとくつもり。まだ定期的にこれ聴いてるし、当分の間は2019年イチ押しのJ-Popアルバムでいるはず‥‥なんだけど、まって! もうちょっとでマユムラ-サンが新アルバムを発売するんだった…無理、待てないって。

Oh yeah, and here is the list of my favorite tracks (didn’t want to put in the beginning since it’s so long lol): *inhales* A 20-Year-Old Woman, I Was Born In Australia. Agokezuriyuko, Tokyo Rusubandenwappu, Dokkoi Tomorrow, MC Mayumura, Crayon, Viva☆Youth☆Turtle☆Tomato, Psychopath, Did Ms. Mayumura Make This Really?, Your Weather Elder Sister, Charanporan, Real Dissonance, Tsukutsukuboushi, Coca C○la Slippers Broke, Visit Someone in Hospital, Knuckle Sense,
Meso・Pota・Mia, (no title), Pure, Songs Made By Girls Like Garbage, She Saw, Fukuoka, Dear My Family. *exhales*

じゃあ、こっから私のお気に入り曲リスト、いっくよー(初めのほうには入れたくなかった、超長ぇしw)→(息を大きく吸って) ハタチの女、I was born in Australia.、あごけずりゆうこ、東京留守番電話ップ、どっこいトゥモロー、MC マユムラ、CRAYON、ビバ☆青春☆カメ☆トマト、サイコパス、これホンマに眉村さんが作ったの?、お天気お姉さん、ちゃらんぽらん、リアル不協和音、ツクツクボウシ、コカコ○ラのスリッパ壊れた、面会、ナックルセンス、メソ・ポタ・ミア、(タイトルなし)、ピュア、ゴミ女がかいたウタ、She Saw、FUKUOKA、Dear My Family。(ふぅ)


You are a Mayumurer (means "an enthusiastic fan of Chiaki Mayumura" in Japanese) !

元記事:Music Roundup – January, February 2019
ブログHOME:Rodrovich's Sporadic Thought-Precipitator



