
世界を変えたいのなら、まず自分から変わること|世界のフェミニズム・インタビュー連載「MIMOSA VOICE」

いろんな国の人にフェミニズムについて聞いてみたい!そう思い、「MIMOSA VOICE」という連載名で、世界中の人にフェミニズムについてインタビューをした記事を連載していくことにしました(不定期)。






Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events in your daily life make you feel uncomfortable or angry?

I want to share your voice with the world.What are your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism?

What kind of future do you want for the next generation?







































***English ver***

If you want to change the world, first change yourself | World Feminism Interview Series “MIMOSA VOICE”

I want to ask people from various countries about feminism! With this in mind, I have decided to publish a series of articles (on an irregular basis) in which I interview people from all over the world about feminism under the series name "MIMOSA VOICE."

We will prepare three questions regarding feminism and ask people of various nationalities to answer them.Each person's values are different. Different nationalities have different ways of thinking and opinions.

However, I started this series because I wanted to visualize a world where everyone has the same goal: to create a society where everyone can live freely in their own way, without being bound by masculinity or femininity.

I would be happy if you could hear the voices of friends who view differences in an interesting way, nod to words they can empathize with, and work together to create a happy world.

<Question details>

Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events in your daily life make you feel uncomfortable or angry?

I want to share your voice with the world. What are your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism?

What kind of future do you want for the next generation?


Name: Yasmine
Nationality: philippines

──── Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events do you feel uncomfortable or angry about on a daily basis?

I don't have much experience with it, but what I hear from other Filipinos is all about patriarchy and male superiority.It seems that not only in other countries but also in the Philippines, there are still families that
differentiate the roles between men and women.

For example, parents may tell their female child, ``You don't have to study so hard because you're a girl. Just get married.'' On the other hand, the male siblings are encouraged by their parents to study.

When I hear that, I feel very uncomfortable. I was angry. There is no right to deprive a woman of the opportunity to study just because she is a woman. I think that behind the saying, ``Girls don't have to study,'' there is always the idea that ``a woman should be a housewife and has no right to pursue her career.''

Studying and getting married are two different things. You can get married even if you study, and you can build a career even after getting married.

Fortunately, I have been able to live my life without being prevented from doing what I want to do because I am a woman. I have been active since I was a child, serving as the student council president and head of the newspaper club. I've always shown leadership.

But in my grandparents' time, they didn't have the opportunity to receive gender education, so perhaps there are stereotypes.

In today's Philippines, we have the opportunity to learn about gender at school. Not only was I able to learn about it, but there are also debates and discussions regarding these topics. The teacher’s teaching style is to let the students exchange opinions and gave presentations in front of the class.

I believe that through this process, I was able to learn about differences between individuals, accept opinions that are different from my own, assert my own opinions, and have the experience of success in getting others to accept me.

I'm not fully certain if it's because of our education system, but I feel like the gender equality in the Philippines as a whole is gradually improving.

For example, most taxi drivers are currently male, but there is a movement that promotes female drivers. The Philippines had also had two female presidents before. Added to the list are our female politicians, members of parliament, doctors, engineers, and company presidents. Occupations that were once biased toward men due to gender bias now include both men and

It's a great thing that there are now more possibilities for anyone to be anything they want to be without being discriminated against based on gender.

────I want to convey your voice to the world. Please tell us your thoughts and opinions regarding gender issues and feminism.

We need to break out of norms and stereotypes. Throw away old ideas and create a new era because we are a new generation. The world is constantly  elolving.

The days when only strong men go out to work and women only staying at home are over. We have to change. Just as civilization has developed, we need to modernize our way of thinking.

If you're trapped in a cage of stereotypes, set yourself free. It is also important to be flexible and to accept new values and ideas from others.

For example, the belief that ``men should be stronger than women,'' which is born out of ``toxic masculinity'' (biased norms of masculinity such as that men should be strong), can lead to misogyny, sexual violence, sexual harassment, etc.

This is a structure that gives rise to power harassment. At the same time, men themselves are also suffering from stereotypes such as ``because they are men , they should be masculine. These beliefs should be demolished as well.

Feminism is not an ideology that appeals to the rights of women only. It is an ideology and movement that aims to create a society where everyone, male or female, can live freely without discrimination or oppression.

If you think about it that way, I think we need to start talking about toxic masculinity as well.

Some people seem to be bound by the old stereotype, causing men to be embarrassed to cry in public, but that's wrong. Whether you're a man or a woman, it's wonderful to be able to express

your feelings honestly. Some people may say crying is a weakness, but I actually think it’s an act of braveness.

Never be afraid to express your feelings, no matter what they are. If you are a person who can express joy, anger, sadness, and happiness, it is proof that you are a strong person.

Freedom to wear what you want. Freedom to say what you want to say. Freedom to be whatever you want to be. Freedom to express emotions. That's what we have. Gender doesn't matter there. It's time to free yourself from your old cage.

I heard that there are many gender issues in Japan. So let's change society. Of course , you can't do something big all of a sudden. I truly believe that what each of us thinks is directly connected to our society.

So first, start by changing yourself.

Be confident, believe in yourself, and speak your beliefs. People around you will start believing in you when they see you.

If you don't have confidence and don't believe in yourself, others won't be able to believe in you either. Because you can't give someone what you don't have.

If you can't love yourself, you can't love others. If you can't accept yourself, you can't accept others either. If your heart is full of hatred towards yourself, you will also harbor hatred towards others. That will not stop the chain of misfortune. Gender inequality will continue forever.

If you change, the person next to you will also change. If the person next to you changes, the person next to him or her will also change. What kind of person do we need to be in order to create the world we want to create? You already know the answer.

Be strong.

Assert yourself. Accept the other person from yourself. Move forward on your own. It may take a ton of courage, but it's important to have a strong heart. Freedom makes people stronger. A strong heart will protect you. Have the strength to believe in yourself even if other people criticize you.

I think the strength of each individual will greatly change society.

Let's start with ourselves if we truly want to change the world.

────What kind of future do you want to leave for the next generation?

I hope that the world will become more accepting of new values and the opinions of others that are different from its own. There is no end to hateful comments regarding gender issues, but I hope we become a society that respects differences.

I'm sure you can't accept others if you can't accept yourself 100%. Of course it's not easy. But we should be able to improve.

I hope that the next generation will be able to express themselves more freely.
