
夢を追いかける女性から、いろんな生き方があっていいと勇気をもらえる|世界のフェミニズム・インタビュー連載「MIMOSA VOICE」

いろんな国の人にフェミニズムについて聞いてみたい!そんな想いから『MIMOSA VOICE』という連載名で、世界中の人にインタビューをする連載マガジンを始めました。









名前:久保 陽菜




















*English ver*

Women who pursue their dreams give me courage and show me that there are many different ways to live life | World feminism interview series ”MIMOSA VOICE”

I want to ask people from various countries about feminism! With this in mind, I have decided to publish a series of articles (on an irregular basis) in which I interview people from all over the world about feminism under the series name "MIMOSA VOICE."

We will prepare three questions regarding feminism and ask people of various nationalities to answer them.Each person's values are different. Different nationalities have different ways of thinking and opinions.

However, I started this series because I wanted to visualize a world where everyone has the same goal: to create a society where everyone can live freely in their own way, without being bound by masculinity or femininity.

I would be happy if you could hear the voices of friends who view differences in an interesting way, nod to words they can empathize with, and work together to create a happy world!

<Question details>
Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events in your daily life make you feel uncomfortable or angry?

I want to share your voice with the world. What are your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism?

What kind of future do you want for the next generation?


Name:Haruna Kubo (Japanese name)/Sunny(English name)

───Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events make you feel uncomfortable or angry about in your daily life?

I feel frustrated by the current situation in Japan where people who choose to live a minority lifestyle have no choice and are criticized.

For example, about optional separate surnames for married couples and same-sex marriage not being recognized. I wonder why in Japan, one of the parties must change their surname before they can get married (legally marry)? Why can't same-sex couples marry? I wonder.

I don't want to take my spouse's surname either. I imagine my parents chose a name that would go well with their surname, and surnames are also the parents' names after all. I don't want to actively change it. I don't want to force my partner to change it either. I wish that people who want to get married could keep their own names when they get married.

Of course, I don't mean that everyone should do that. I think there are people who want to change their surnames when they get married, and some people are excited about it. So I think it's important to have the option to choose.

I also feel that there are still many situations in everyday communication where it is difficult to express one's way of life or sexuality due to the pressure of being "normal." In my case, when I was in college, people around me at a drinking party with my part-time job asked me, "When do you want to get married?" and "What about children?" I don't have any desire to get married or have children now, but the conversation was proceeding under the assumption that "getting married and having children is normal," and I remember finding it difficult to express my honest feelings in that atmosphere and giving vague answers. Even in trivial conversations, when the feeling that "I deviate from what others think is normal" accumulates, I sometimes feel confused and wonder, "Maybe I'm not normal?"

───I want to share your voice with the world. Please tell us your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism.

I hope that the world will become a place where people can freely choose their own lives. Even if they make a different choice from others, they will not be discriminated against or criticized.

To that end, I think it is important to know that there are many different ways to live. In my case, being influenced by the movie "Little Women" was one of the catalysts that made me feel proud of the way I live my life.

"Little Women" is a timeless masterpiece by novelist Louisa May Alcott, set in 19th century America, a time when it was difficult for women to advance in society.

I particularly empathized with the second daughter, Jo, who struggles to live independently as a woman. At that time, it was difficult for women to enter society and work, and marrying a rich man was considered a symbol of happiness. For that reason, women who live their lives chasing their dreams like her were viewed as rare, and they were often mocked as being impossible.

Nevertheless, Jo, who carved out her own path despite her worries without compromising her beliefs, was very cool! I was shocked that such a way of life was possible, and at the same time, I felt like I had found a role model and thought, "I want to live like her!" On the way home from the movie theater, I felt light on my feet and felt great (laughs).

By comparing myself to my second daughter Jo and realizing that I am a person with these values, I gradually began to think that I should live my life the way I want to. When I realized that there are many different people in the world, I felt relieved that I was not alone, and it became easier to share my thoughts with those around me. In fact, now, when asked about marriage and children, I can honestly tell them my thoughts without being vague, saying, "If I find a good partner, I would like to spend time with him, but I have no desire to get married or have children."

I hope that as more people speak out and more works are produced, we will change to a society where it is easier to express yourself as you are, even if you live a minority lifestyle.

───What kind of future do you want to leave for the next generation?

I want the future to be one with more options than it is now. And I want the world to be one where everyone can choose to live their own way.

Influencers who express their own way of life and sexuality can be seen on social media and in the media. However, in the real world, such as at school or work, the topic of gender is still considered taboo, and stereotypes such as "women and men should be like this" and "normally do this" remain deeply rooted, making it difficult to talk about or share. It is sad that people are born with different ways of life, values, and sexuality, but are forced to hide their individuality or feel uncomfortable living due to pressure to conform.

Through my studies and travels abroad, I have had more opportunities to see countries where understanding of women is progressing. People who continue to pursue what they want without planning to become mothers or wives. People who live naturally and freely without being bound by ideal appearances or body types. A country where women can become prime ministers or presidents and hold important positions at work. Seeing the lively expressions of the women who live there makes me realize that women don't have to give up on their own way of life just because they are women. It gives me courage that there are many different ways of life after all.

Japan still has many challenges, but I'm sure things are slowly but surely changing for the better. I hope that in the future there will be more options available to everyone so that they can live life the way they want.
