

Ex-Goldman chief economist calls on BRICS to challenge USD's dominance as China leads de-dollarization trend

Former Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O'Neill is calling on the BRICS bloc to expand and challenge the dominance of the U.S. dollar. China's recent actions with the yuan are already doing just that.

O'Neill said that the dollar's dominance destabilizes other nations' monetary policies, which is why the bloc — made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — should counter it.

"The U.S. dollar plays a far too dominant role in global finance," he wrote in a paper published in the Global Policy journal. "Whenever the Federal Reserve Board has embarked on periods of monetary tightening, or the opposite, loosening, the consequences on the value of the dollar and the knock-on effects have been dramatic."
「米ドルはグローバル金融においてあまりにも支配的な役割を担っている」と、彼はGlobal Policy誌に掲載された論文に書いている。「連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)が金融引き締め、あるいはその逆の金融緩和に乗り出すたびに、ドルの価値とその影響は劇的であった」。

This was demonstrated over the past year as the Fed pursued its fastest tightening pace in decades to tame inflation, bringing its key policy rate from around zero to a range of 4.75%-5%.

O'Neill sees the dollar's dominance as a burden to nations with dollar-denominated debt since their monetary policies are destabilized when exchange rate fluctuations.

The ex-Goldman chief economist, who coined the group's name, is now calling on BRICS to expand to create a fairer, multi-currency global system by including emerging nations such as Mexico, Turkey, Egypt, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Pakistan and the Philippines.

At the same time, O'Neill urged the group to apply strict criteria when accepting new members, focusing on climate finance, healthcare, and trade.

Over a dozen countries have expressed interest in becoming members of the group. This year, the bloc plans to determine whether to admit new members and what entry criteria to establish. Saudi Arabia and Iran are among those who formally asked to join, according to media reports.
10 数カ国が加盟に関心を示している。今年、このブロックは新規加盟を認めるかどうか、またどのような加盟基準を設けるかを決定する予定だ。メディアによると、サウジアラビアとイランが正式に加盟を希望しているとのことだ。

O'Neill added that new members should be more than just countries with large populations and sizable economies.

BRICS needs to work on expanding its influence with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. According to the Institute for Security Studies in Pretoria, BRICS represents 42% of the global population, but its members hold less than 15% of the voting power at both institutions.

The de-dollarization trend by countries like China and Russia has dominated headlines this past year. Central banks bought a record amount of gold in 2022, led by emerging nations like Turkey and China. And that interest is carrying over into 2023.

Recently, China has stepped up using the yuan as a trade settling mechanism. The yuan-denominated trade flows between Russia and China surged last year. And last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he supports using the Chinese yuan for trade settlements between Russia, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. That statement came after the Chinese leader visited Moscow.

Another historic move by China was the completion of the first yuan-settled LNG trade, which was done between the Chinese national oil company and France's TotalEnergies through the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange.

China also struck a deal with Brazil to trade in their own country's currencies, AFP reported this week, citing the Brazilian government. China has been Brazil's largest trading partner since 2009.

In other areas of cooperation, Saudi Arabia approved the decision to join a China-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a dialogue partner. The SCO is a political, security and trade alliance created in 2001 to counter western influence. Its members include China, Russia, India, Pakistan and four central Asian countries.

Earlier this week, China and Saudi Arabia signed major oil deals. One will see state-owned oil giant Saudi Aramco take a $3.6 billion stake in Rongsheng Petrochemical Co. Ltd. to increase its presence in China. Also, the two countries agreed to construct an integrated refinery and petrochemical complex in northeast China.

"Saudi Arabia appears to be turning towards Beijing and away from the West," said Capital Economics deputy chief emerging markets economist Jason Tuvey. "That has fuelled talk of Saudi accepting renminbi for its sales of oil to China; the so-called 'petroyuan'."
「サウジアラビアは、欧米から離れ、北京に向かっているように見えます」と、キャピタル・エコノミクス副主任新興市場エコノミストのジェイソン・タベイ氏は言う。「それは、サウジアラビアが中国への石油販売に人民元を受け入れる、いわゆる "ペトロユアン "の話を煽るものです」。

Beijing is also becoming a major lender to debt-heavy nations, such as Turkey, Argentina, and Sri Lanka. In 2021, China shelled out $40.5 billion in loans to distressed countries, The New York Times reported, citing data provided by AidData. In comparison, the IMF lent $68.6 billion to countries in financial distress in 2021.
北京は、トルコ、アルゼンチン、スリランカといった債務超過国への主要な貸し手にもなりつつある。2021年、中国は財政難の国々に405億ドルの融資を行ったと、AidDataが提供するデータを引用してThe New York Timesが報じた。これに対し、IMFは2021年、財政難の国々に686億ドルを貸し付けた。

The U.S. dollar's loss of its reserve currency status is catching the attention of many public figures. In a tweet response to Grit Capital CEO Genevieve Roch-Decter on the topic, Elon Musk replied that it is a "serious issue" and that the U.S. policy has been "too heavy-handed, making countries want to ditch the dollar."
米ドルの基軸通貨としての地位の喪失が、多くの著名人の注目を集めている。イーロン・マスクは、この話題についてGrit Capital CEOのGenevieve Roch-Decterにツイートで回答し、「深刻な問題」であり、米国の政策は「強引すぎるため、各国がドルを捨てたいと思うようになった」と答えています。

