

Joe Biden’s criticism of Israel highlights mounting unease over Gaza war

US president’s unusually blunt comments are strongest sign yet of tensions between the two allies

Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu have had numerous tough conversations behind the scenes since the war between Israel and Hamas erupted two months ago.

But on Tuesday Biden’s frustration with the Israeli premier broke into the open, as he took issue with Israel’s “indiscriminate bombing” of Gaza and the hostility of Netanyahu’s far-right government to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“I think he has to change, and . . . this government in Israel is making it very difficult for him to move,” the US president said at a fundraising event.

The unusually blunt comments were the strongest indication so far of mounting US unease with Israel’s war effort. They came as a UN General Assembly vote calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza underscored Israel’s growing diplomatic isolation: just eight countries joined Israel and the US in opposing the motion, while 153 voted in favour.
異例に率直なコメントは、イスラエルの戦争遂行に対する米国の不安が高まっていることを示すこれまでで最も強い兆候だった。 この動きは、ガザでの人道的停戦を求める国連総会の投票がイスラエルの外交的孤立の増大を浮き彫りにした中で行われた。この動議に反対してイスラエルと米国に加わったのはわずか8カ国で、153カ国が賛成票を投じた。

Biden and Netanyahu have had disagreements throughout the war, but US officials have said Biden believed the best way to influence the Israeli prime minister was to keep them behind closed doors. Biden has in public staunchly backed Israel’s war effort, even at the risk of upsetting allies.
バイデン氏とネタニヤフ氏は戦争中を通じて意見の相違があったが、米当局者らはバイデン氏がイスラエル首相に影響を与える最善の方法は両氏を密室にしておくことだと信じていたと述べた。 バイデン氏は同盟国を混乱させる危険を冒してでも、公の場でイスラエルの戦争努力を断固として支持してきた。

But some US officials said Biden’s remarks pointed to the limits of his so-called “bear hug” strategy, and indicated that eventually it would be hard for him to be silent about his concerns.

“This is a blinking yellow light from the president on growing gaps between the US and Israel on the Gaza war and the aftermath,” said Aaron David Miller, a Middle East analyst and senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

A big source of friction has been the soaring humanitarian cost of Israel’s invasion of Gaza, which has killed more than 18,000 people, according to Palestinian officials, while displacing the vast majority of the enclave’s 2.3mn population and rendering much of the territory uninhabitable. Israel launched its offensive in response to Hamas’s October 7 assault, which killed 1,200 people, according to Israeli officials.
大きな摩擦の原因は、イスラエルのガザ侵攻による人道的コストの高騰である。パレスチナ当局者らによると、この侵攻により1万8000人以上が死亡し、飛び地の人口230万人の大多数が移住し、領土の大部分が住めなくなったという。 イスラエル当局者らによると、イスラエルは1200人が死亡した10月7日のハマスの襲撃に対抗して攻撃を開始した。

The US has exerted pressure on Israel to reduce civilian casualties, particularly as it extended its land offensive into Gaza’s south, where most of the population has fled. But the death count has continued to spiral since fighting resumed this month after a brief ceasefire.
米国はイスラエルに対し、特に国民の大半が避難しているガザ南部への陸上攻撃の拡大に際し、民間人の死傷者を減らすよう圧力をかけている。 しかし、短期間の停戦を経て今月戦闘が再開されて以来、死者数は増え続けている。

“It’s very clear [Israel] wants to continue the military operation in the south, that they want to get the hostages out and want to degrade Hamas’s infrastructure and kill or capture the leadership. And they are going to keep going until they’ve done all three,” said one western official.
「(イスラエルが)南部での軍事作戦を継続したいこと、人質を救出し、ハマスのインフラを破壊して指導者を殺害または捕らえたいと考えていることは明らかだ。 そして、3つすべてを完了するまで彼らは行動を続けるだろう」と、ある西側当局者は語った。

Even before the war, Biden and other US officials had expressed concerns about “extreme” figures — such as ultranationalist ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich — in Netanyahu’s cabinet, as well as violence by Jewish settlers against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. But that violence has increased since the war broke out, with 336 attacks by settlers against Palestinians, according to the UN.
戦前でさえ、バイデンと他の米国当局者は、ネタニヤフ内閣の超国家主義大臣イタマール・ベン・グヴィル氏やベザレル・スモトリヒ氏などの「極端な」人物や、占領下のヨルダン川西岸でのパレスチナ人に対するユダヤ人入植者による暴力について懸念を表明していた。 しかし、戦争勃発以来暴力は増加しており、国連によると入植者によるパレスチナ人に対する攻撃は336件に上っている。

The two sides have also clashed over the future of Gaza. US officials have said publicly that the Palestinian Authority (PA), which administers parts of the West Bank, should have a role in the enclave’s postwar governance. It has also insisted that Israel should not reoccupy Gaza or shrink its territory.
両者はガザの将来を巡っても衝突している。 米国当局者らは、ヨルダン川西岸の一部を管理するパレスチナ自治政府(PA)が飛び地の戦後統治において役割を果たすべきだと公に述べている。 また、イスラエルはガザを再占領したり領土を縮小したりすべきではないと主張している。

But Netanyahu has been dismissive, saying repeatedly that he would not accept the PA’s return to Gaza. US officials have grown frustrated by his government’s unwillingness to discuss realistic “day after” scenarios, and its hostility to a two-state solution over the long term.
しかしネタニヤフ首相は否定的で、PAのガザ帰還は受け入れられないと繰り返し述べた。 米国当局者らは、政府が現実的な「翌日」のシナリオについて議論することに消極的であり、長期にわたる二国家解決策に敵意を示していることに不満を募らせている。

“The region is looking at the US . . . to get Israel to put forward a positive position,” said a person familiar with US-Israeli deliberations. “But [Washington] isn’t making much progress.”
「この地域は米国 に注目しています. . .イスラエルに前向きな立場を提示してもらうためだ」と米国とイスラエルの協議に詳しい関係者は語った。 「しかし、(ワシントンは)あまり進歩していない。」

Israeli analysts say that Netanyahu’s stance was partly driven by domestic political calculations, with a rising expectation of elections next year.

“[Netanyahu] knows once Israel scales down its ground offensive in Gaza — almost certainly in a few weeks — he won’t be able to hold back the political flood: in the not-too-distant future, his governing coalition will lose its parliamentary majority,” Anshel Pfeffer, a columnist and biographer of Netanyahu, wrote in Israel’s Haaretz newspaper.

“He will try to delay that moment, but his political instincts tell him he will have to fight an election soon — and all the polls are saying he will lose, by a wide margin. So he’s trying to draw up the battle lines of the campaign.”

It is not just Israel where the war is a domestic political issue. Biden’s comments came as he is beginning to pay a political price within the US for his strong support for Israel.

The latest FT-Michigan poll, published this week, showed that 40 per cent of American voters believed the US was providing “too much” financial and military aid to Israel in its war against Hamas. Biden’s approval ratings, as measured by the 538.com polling average, have dipped further since the war broke out, and recent polls have shown him trailing Donald Trump, a year out from the next presidential election.
今週発表されたFT-ミシガン州の最新世論調査によると、米国の有権者の40%が、米国が対ハマス戦争においてイスラエルに「多すぎる」財政的・軍事的援助を提供していると信じていることが明らかになった。 538.comの世論調査平均で測定したバイデン氏の支持率は、戦争勃発以来さらに低下しており、最近の世論調査では、次期大統領選挙まで1年後に迫っているドナルド・トランプ氏の後塵を拝していることが示されている。

Biden has long felt deep and close personal ties to Israel, which have helped to define his approach, but other officials have ratcheted up their disapproval. Defence secretary Lloyd Austin this month warned that Israel risked “strategic defeat” unless it did more to protect civilians in Gaza.
バイデン氏は長年、イスラエルと個人的に深く親密なつながりを感じており、それがバイデン氏のアプローチを決定付けるのに役立っているが、他の当局者らは徐々に不支持を強めている。 ロイド・オースティン国防長官は今月、イスラエルがガザ地区の民間人保護に一層の努力をしなければ「戦略的敗北」の危険があると警告した。

Some observers in Israel fear the US spat could presage a worse rupture. “I think a moment of truth is coming, and soon,” said Ami Ayalon, former head of Israel’s domestic security service, who compared it to Henry Kissinger’s push for a “reassessment” of US-Israeli ties in the 1970s that triggered a crisis in relations.

“Biden could well do something similar,” said Ayalon. “He could say: ‘I have to think’, and everyone would know what that means: a possible end to military assistance and no more use of the [UN Security Council] veto.”

Others say that while Biden’s criticism of Netanyahu has become more pointed, his administration is still far from breaking with Israel on the war.

US officials say publicly and privately that while they want a quick end to the war, they agree with Israel’s goal of dismantling Hamas. They also say that they cannot dictate exactly how Israel goes about its military campaign.
米国当局者らは公私に、戦争の早期終結を望んでいるが、ハマスの解体というイスラエルの目標には同意していると述べている。 彼らはまた、イスラエルが軍事作戦をどのように進めるかを正確に指示することはできないとも述べている。

While criticising Israel, Biden on Tuesday said the US was “not going to do a damn thing other than protect Israel” during the crisis. As for Hamas: “They’re a brutal, ugly, inhumane people, and they have to be eliminated,” he added.
バイデン氏は火曜日、イスラエルを批判しながら、米国は危機の間「イスラエルを守る以外に何もするつもりはない」と述べた。 ハマスについては「彼らは残忍で醜悪で非人道的な民族であり、排除しなければならない」と付け加えた。

Miller characterised Biden’s stance as part of a “growing frustration” with the US ally. “But I wouldn’t interpret this as that we’re rushing towards a moment of truth . . . and that the president is on the cusp of telling Netanyahu ‘enough’.”
ミラー氏はバイデン氏の姿勢を、米国の同盟国に対する「増大する不満」の一環だと特徴づけた。 「しかし、私はこれを、私たちが真実の瞬間に向かって急いでいるとは解釈しません. . .そして大統領はネタニヤフ首相に『もう十分だ』と言おうとしているところだ」

