
分析 | バイデンはネタニヤフが戦後ガザにとってまったくパートナーではないことを知っている/Haaretzを読む

Analysis | Biden Knows That Netanyahu Is Not a Partner at All for Postwar Gaza
分析 | バイデンはネタニヤフが戦後ガザにとってまったくパートナーではないことを知っている

While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu keeps trying to drag the United States into a broader war in the Middle East, U.S. President Joe Biden is now quietly pressuring him to move to a low intensity conflict in the Gaza Strip

"Mr. President, do you realize Netanyahu will turn the tables on you and blame you for everything?" two guests asked U.S. President Joe Biden in a recent meeting with donors and political allies. "He is seeking a confrontation with you for his political needs."

Biden smiled and responded: "I know."

What Biden and the foreign and defense circle around him are also realizing is that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to drag the United States into a wider conflict against Yemen's Houthi movement, which is attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea. Netanyahu is blatantly trying to gaslight both the U.S. administration and the Israeli public by advocating repeatedly that this is a much bigger war than Gaza. This is a civilizational conflict, one that Biden is trying to avoid, he claims.

The Gaza Strip and the Red Sea commercial routes are now the two central arenas around which the U.S.-Israel dialogue revolves, as well as American concerns about preventing an escalation between Israel and Hezbollah. In those two arenas, the United States is preempting Netanyahu's politically driven efforts to confront Biden by taking steps and exerting soft pressure.

The U.S. president isn't interested in such a showdown. He is therefore unlikely to issue an ultimatum, make demands or initiate visible public pressure on Israel. There are more nuanced ways to effect behavioral change and impel Israel to shift its management of the war from high intensity to low intensity conflict, and the Americans began employing those means this week.

The United States has never called for a cease-fire in Gaza, but is convinced that the current course of the war in terms of force deployment, force employment and firepower has exhausted its usefulness. "Protecting Palestinian civilians in Gaza is both a moral duty and a strategic imperative," U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in Tel Aviv on Monday. He should know. A former four-star general, Austin was commander of United States Central Command between 2013 and 2016, and is in a position to impart the U.S.' experience and mistakes in conducting its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and how they required shifts.

At the same time, neither Austin nor U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who visited Israel last week, demanded an immediate or comprehensive cease-fire. "This is Israel's operation and I'm not here to dictate timelines or terms," Austin said during a press conference with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. He added that the United States has "some great thoughts about how to transition from high intensity operations to lower intensity and more surgical operations."

This is the American pressure game: carrots and sticks. Support Israel, refrain from making public demands, but urge it very persistently to change the dynamics and scale of the war.
これはアメリカのプレッシャーゲーム、アメとムチだ。 イスラエルを支援し、公的な要求は控えるが、戦争の勢力図と規模を変えるよう粘り強く促す。

The fact is, Biden never pushed Netanyahu on a Palestinian state. Biden only described the desirable framework in the future and is asking that Israel doesn't undermine the feasibility of that solution.
実際のところ、バイデンはパレスチナ国家に対してネタニヤフ首相を押し付けたことは一度もなかった。 バイデン氏は将来の望ましい枠組みについて述べただけで、イスラエルに対しその解決策の実現可能性を損なわないよう求めている。

That leads to the much broader and pronounced disagreement: postwar Gaza. While Biden offers carrots, Democratic Sen. Chris Coons – a close Biden ally – said Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation" that Netanyahu is "an exceptionally difficult partner."

In terms of postwar Gaza, Netanyahu is not a partner at all as far as the Biden administration is concerned. A central theme of his fabricated narrative is that this is all about a Palestinian state that he, the historic hero, prevented and is now standing firm against U.S. pressure to advance that goal. Yet the fact is that Biden has never pushed him for a Palestinian state. Biden only described the desirable framework in the future and is asking that Israel doesn't undermine the feasibility of that solution.
戦後のガザに関して言えば、バイデン政権に関する限り、ネタニヤフ首相は全くのパートナーではない。 彼の捏造された物語の中心的なテーマは、これはすべて、歴史的英雄である彼が阻止し、現在その目標を推進する米国の圧力に対して断固として立ち向かっているパレスチナ国家に関するものであるということである。 しかし実際のところ、バイデン氏はパレスチナ国家の建設を決して推進していない。 バイデン氏は将来の望ましい枠組みについて述べただけで、イスラエルに対しその解決策の実現可能性を損なわないよう求めている。

At this point, the United States is urging Israel to avoid reoccupying the Gaza Strip. But while Israel publicly says it has no intention of doing so, facts on the ground, declarations about "overriding security control" and a refusal to allow the Palestinian Authority to be part of postwar Gaza reflect a different reality. Either Israel is completely myopic or deliberately deceiving not just the Biden administration but also itself.

There's a vicious circle at work here, one the United States is warning Israel about. If Israel intends to establish a military presence in Gaza after the war (in whichever phase) ends, then surely it knows that the onus and burdens of government will fall on it. A destitute 2 million Gazans will be all refugees with no government to provide basic functions and services.

Netanyahu just doesn't care

The longer the war goes on – which the Americans believe is Netanyahu's aim as part of his parallel universe narrative – the more responsible for Gaza Israel becomes. That creates a disincentive for anyone else (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the PA and even the United States) to get involved with Gaza's reconstruction, further isolates Israel and further strains America's perceived unbalanced support.

So, you ask yourself, does Mr. Netanyahu not see this? Of course he does – he just doesn't care.

In effect, the war aims have been reversed: At the outset, the objective was to destroy Hamas militarily but assume it would retain residual political power. Now, Hamas is still militarily alive, albeit degraded, but its ability to govern is nonexistent. This will leave a vacuum that Israel says it won't fill and has the Americans asking: so who will?
事実上、戦争の目的は逆転した。当初の目的はハマスを軍事的に破壊することであったが、ハマスが政治的権力を保持することを想定していた。 現在、ハマスは劣化したとはいえ軍事的にはまだ生きているが、その統治能力は存在しない。 これにより、イスラエルは埋められないとしている空白が残ることになるが、アメリカ人は「それでは誰が埋めるのか?」と疑問を抱いている。

In an effort to deflect that issue, Netanyahu is now presenting the "broader conflict" with Iran: Why are you pestering me about Gaza when there's a monumental conflict raging?
その問題をそらすために、ネタニヤフ首相は今、イランとの「より広範な紛争」を提示している: 重大な紛争が起きているのに、なぜガザのことで私を困らせるのか?

After his meeting with Austin and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Netanyahu reiterated his commitment "to achieve total victory against Hamas," but then turned Gaza into a broader conflict, one involving the Americans. "We think this is not only our war but in many ways your war. ... This is a battle against the Iranian axis ... now threatening to close the maritime strait of Bab el-Mandeb. ... It is the interest I think of the entire civilized community," he said, not very subtly.
オースティンおよび統合参謀本部議長チャールズ・Q・ブラウン大将との会談後、ネタニヤフ首相は「ハマスに対する完全な勝利を達成する」との決意を改めて表明したが、その後ガザをアメリカ人を巻き込んだより広範な紛争に変えた。 「我々は、これは我々だけの戦争ではなく、多くの意味で皆さんの戦争だと考えています。…これはイラン枢軸に対する戦いです…今、バブ・エル・マンデブ海峡を封鎖する恐れがあります。…これは文明社会全体の関心事だと思います。 私は文明社会全体のことを考えています」と彼はさりげなく言った。

This is another part of his revisionist narrative, absolving him of any responsibility or accountability for the October 7 debacle. This is not just about Hamas in Gaza – I'll take care of that, he keeps saying – but is essentially a war against Iran involving its proxies the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas. To preempt that, the United States announced the establishment of a maritime task force, in addition to the Combined Maritime Force anchored in Bahrain and the United States Fifth Fleet headquartered in Bahrain and Qatar.

This is Biden's approach: Preempt confrontation, gradually pressure through a parade of top-level visits, reiterate the commitment to support Israel, but request a change in dynamics. The war will morph, but Biden knows Netanyahu is not a trustworthy partner regarding postwar Gaza.
これがバイデンのアプローチだ: 対立を先取りし、トップレベルの訪問のオンパレードを通じて徐々に圧力をかけ、イスラエルを支援する約束を繰り返し、しかし力学の変化を要求する。戦争は形を変えるだろうが、バイデンはネタニヤフ首相が戦後のガザに関して信頼できるパートナーではないことを知っている。


