
ドイツ:ショルツ氏、中東における紛争の拡大に警告/MIDDLE EAST MONITORを読む

Germany: Scholz warns against wider conflict in Middle East

German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, on Monday, warned countries against a wider conflict in the Middle East, Anadolu Agency reports.

Speaking to reporters in Hamburg, before a joint German-French Cabinet meeting, Scholz said Germany and France stand firmly on Israel’s side against Hamas’ attacks.

“The US, the UK, France and Germany are in agreement. “This must not turn into a wildfire in the region,” Scholz stressed.“That is why, in this situation, no one should further fuel this terror. “We will be speaking and closely coordinating this with our partners in the region,” he added.
「米国、英国、フランス、ドイツは同意している。」 「この地域で山火事になってはいけない」とショルツ氏は強調した。「だからこそ、この状況では誰もこのテロをさらに煽るべきではない。」 「私たちはこの地域のパートナーと話し合い、緊密に調整していきます」と彼は付け加えた。

Scholz said, together with French President, Emmanuel Macron, they are planning to have a phone call with US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, on Monday night to discuss the latest developments.

