

(English bellow)




⑴まず、私たち日本には、400年以上前から琥珀糖や飴を利用したクリスタルのようなお菓子「Edible Crystal」という文化を持っています。 調べていただければ分かりますが、昔から「食べられる宝石」は茶道の場で提供されていました。そしてこの文化は、職人の絶え間ない努力と改善によって様々な形や味わいを増やし、現在では”より宝石”に見えるデザインとして発展してきました。 

私が作っているスイーツは、この「和菓子の琥珀糖」を、食文化の違いを超えて世界中の人に召し上がってもらうために、日本で伝統的に楽しまれてきたこのお菓子作り方をベースに、ヨーロッパのグミの技術や世界中の食文化を取り入れ、さらに昇華させていったものです。レシピは一から完全に作り上げました。 このCrystal Treatsは、現代人が健康的で美味しく幸せなひとときを過ごせるように祈りながら作るとともに、文化の「平等」を表現しています。



⑵そもそも私が作っているCrystal Treatsは、海藻を煮詰め、そこに天然のフルーツ・花を加え、そこから一つ一つ包丁で形成し、1週間かけて乾燥させています。その一つ一つのデザインも、日本で昔から楽しまれてきたものを世界の方々にも楽しんでもらうために、工夫を凝らした私のオリジナルの作品です。彼女が、その文脈も知らず、私に対して何の確認もしないまま、一方的に「コピーした」などと公表したことに対しても、強い怒りを感じます。








⑷私自身は、彼女のInstagram Accountをフォローしていました。これは、彼女のクリエイティビティを尊敬し、彼女の作品を愛していたからです。素晴らしいスイーツ作家の一人として、多くの創造性を見て、自分を高めさせてもらっています。しかし、そのことと、私たちが作ったCrystal Treatsは全く関係がありません。私たちのCrystal Treatsは、日本の文化とその文化を世界の方々に食文化の差を超えて気軽に楽しんでほしいという私たちの想いに由来するものであり、彼女の作品に由来するものでは一切ありません。




⑹ファンの皆様へ、 私は正直とても悲しかったし、エネルギーを沢山失いました。しかし今日沢山の方に応援いただき本当に嬉しくて涙が出ました。 

7000人のファンたちのおかげで今日もこのスモールビジネスを続けることができているなぁ...と痛感します。 これからも私たちMisakyは、ファンの皆様とともに高め合っていけるブランドでありたいと思います。



I, Alissa Miky, plead against the disrespect of the culture.

On November 21st, 2020, Ms. Maayan Zilberman posted on Instagram and called me a "Copycat," and we received multiple malicious slanders and disturbed our business.


⑴ First of all, in Japan, there is a tradition of Amezaiku, which means sculpted candy, and Kohakuto for over 400 years. When you look up Kohakuto, you can find that from long ago, "Edible Crystals" were served at the tea ceremony among the samurais. After the tireless effort and technique of craftsmanship, they changed shapes and developed more flavors, and designed to be closer to actual crystals now. 

My confectionery "Kohakuto Wagashi" is designed to be enjoyed globally, and it incorporates the technique of Gummies and the world's food culture in addition to the Japanese sweets culture. I designed the recipe from scratch. Crystal Treats was created with a wish to create a moment for customers to spend quality time and express "Peace." 

It is her freedom to interpret “Crystal Candy” as her creation, but in her post, she called my creation that I put so much thought and feeling into “Copycat.” This action does not only hurt my reputation and creation but also trample Japanese History. 

I was born and raised in America and spent my youth in Japan. I respect both Japanese and American culture and I think we need to respect each other. As a Japanese American myself, it saddens me to experience such events.

⑵ The process of making Crystal Treats starts from boiling seaweed, and add natural ingredients such as fruits and flowers. Then each piece is shaped with a knife and dry for a week. It is completely different from her confectionary, which is made from boiling sugar and shaped into a candy. 

Each design is my original and it was made to enjoy traditional Japanese culture with people all over the world. I feel great indignation about the insult was made without the confirmation or recognition of the differences. 

⑶ If her claim of “copycat” was based on not recognizing about Japanese culture or not knowing the process of how I came up with my creation, she should correct her ways once she realized the fact and learned the importance of culture. 

People make mistakes and can be ignorant, and they learn from them. 

When our company posted a comment of objection and clarification, she has not only deleted the comment, but she also blocked our Instagram account and she did not allow me to explain. Some of our customers post comments to defend our brand, but those are also erased based on her discretion. On the other hand, she kept the comments that supported her “Copycat” statement. 

She deleted the slanders the day after it was posted, but her actions of labeling me a “copycat” and disrespect for Japanese culture hurt my emotions deeply. 

I am not trying to blame her for her ignorance. Again, people can learn and they should learn. When a mistake is being made, or hurt someone, even unintentionally, they should apologies and then move forward. I hope she will realize this important fact soon and she will correct her mistakes with a sincere apology for hurting our feelings towards dignity for Japanese culture and thoughts for my creations.

⑷ In the post, she mentioned that I was following her Instagram account. I followed her because I respected her creativity as an artist. As one of the talented confectionery artist, I watch her creation and motivate myself to do better every day. However, I did not copy her design. Her creation has nothing to do with our product “Crystal Treats.” Our Crystal Treats are made to easily enjoy Japanese culture globally and they are not derived from her creation.

⑸I enjoy being in America. I have the same level of respect for America as much as I respect Japan. 

I believe there will be justice in this country. 

She has more than 70k followers on her account. By keeping comments from her fans based on misunderstanding, she hurt my brand's reputation and disrespect my culture with the influence she has, and told the false truth without correcting it. 

I do not believe this is the right action for someone who has such influence on social media. That is why I decided to plead against it. The fact that she abused her power to influence people with misunderstanding and prejudice should not be acceptable. 

Misaky means "Beautiful Future" in Japanese. To achieve that future, I will continue to object to slanders.

⑹ Lastly, for our customers and fans of Misaky.Tokyo, this event made me extremely upset and feeling down. 

However, a lot of you stood up for me, and I realized I was not alone. With your support, a small business like us can continue and I realize that again. I promise to you that Misaky.Tokyo will be the brand that inspires each other and creates original products. Again thank you for your support and I cannot wait to see the brand's journey together. I love you all❤️❤️❤️
