
The History of Chablis,12/最初にシャルドネを植えたのはシトー派の修道士だった

The Cistercian monks were the first to plant Chardonnay in the vineyards of the village of Chablis. There is almost no doubt about it.
The Chardonnay was brought from the East during the Fourth Crusade, a grape brought from the East.
It was brought by the Duke of Thibault, Count of Champagne, who participated in this.
When Bernard (Bernardus), a nobleman of Champagne, founded a Cistercian abbey in Clervaux, the Blois family (later the Dukes of Champagne) was largely responsible for its construction. The second Cistercian abbey in Pontigny, in the Chablis area, was also closely associated with the Blois family.
Both abbeys were later enlarged by the partnership of Bernard and Thibault II, the duke of Champagne, so it was inevitable that the Chardonnay of the duke of Thibault would be used for the grapes grown in both abbeys.
Chardonnay is a grape introduced by the Cistercians.
Chardonnay was introduced by the Cistercians, and it began in these two monasteries.

And now. This Bernard was a very good presenter and agitator. He was a man of great oratory. In fact, it was Bernard who planted the second crusade.
It is said that Pope Eugenius III commissioned Bernard in 1145, and he walked around on a promenade, but I don't think that the Pope, who was the Grand Master of the Patriarchate, would have asked an abbot in a remote area to do it, no matter how famous he was in Gaul. Perhaps this is a tailspin that came later.

Bernard used his latest "argument" of "atonement" to organize this second crusade.
The concept of "atonement" did not exist in Christianity to begin with. It emerged little by little after it was transplanted into the land of Gaul. Especially after the first millennium, the times were steeped in the sense of the end times. People believed that the trial of sin by God, as told in the book of Revelation, was just around the corner. Rich people tried to atone for their sins by donating large sums of money to the church, asking for proxy prayers, and splurging. In other words, for the churches/monasteries around the millennium, this "story" of "atonement" was a very effective thought control system and an excellent money collection system.
Bernard took advantage of this. The infidels and the annihilation of the East are the best atonement! He made it so.
So the nobles, the people, and the non-Cistercian monks took advantage of this. This is why the Second Crusade is also called "St. Bernard's Crusade". Bernard, of course, did not go.

But the results were disastrous.
First, there was no ecclesiastical consensus to send the Crusade, although it was said to be "at the request" of Pope Eugenius III. The Eastern Roman Empire also had a good balance of power with the Muslim side, so the war now was an annoyance. In fact, after the first crusade, Jerusalem nominally returned to Christianity and there was already "the kingdom of Jerusalem". Therefore, it was impossible to wave the crusaders' banner, "Reclaim Jerusalem".
There was no participation in the crusade by the crusader nations led by the local Kingdom of Jerusalem, the former Edessa, Antioch, and Tripoli. In other words, "What are you doing here? It was "Why are you here?". But the army was so large that they feared it would turn into an all-out confrontation with the Moslems without taking flies.
Therefore, when the "Crusaders of St. Bernard" kept their face by attacking and falling the Holy City of Damascus, the local crusader state urged them to return home as soon as possible. In response, they withdraw within four days of the fall, and the nobles/monks who participated in the event are sent home in three different directions. How it no longer ends up being a butt-kicking.

However. This "Crusade of St. Bernard" created a major trend in the expedition.
It is the "souvenir of the return trip".
They wanted a "souvenir" to commemorate their trip to Jerusalem. The biggest souvenirs, needless to say, are Christ's relics. They are called relics.
They took a really large number of relics back to "Oragasato". This would be a major reason for the subsequent Crusades to attack Jerusalem.

I can't help but imagine a scene like this.
Somewhere in Jerusalem, a Moslem merchant's shop. A red-cheeked nobleman from deep in the mountains of Gaul is being sold by a skilled merchant. In front of him are "the spear point that pierced Christ on the hill of Golgotha" and "the cloth that wrapped him".
The merchant is holding a skeleton's head in his hand.
"There are many, but this is the rarest of them all," the merchant says. The merchant says.
The red-cheeked aristocrat has a scowl.
'This is a Christ's skull, a rarity you don't see very often. It's one of the rarest of our rare items.''
The red-cheeked nobleman marvels.
''Oh! That's great. I'd love to have it for sale! ...but it's a pretty small skull.
''Eh... Yeah. It is, sir. It's actually the skull of Jesus Christ as a child.
Such stories must have been exchanged in many places.

Anyway, many relics were brought back from Jerusalem.
One of the biggest highlights was the Grapes of Gethsemane.
The grapes of Gethsemane are the wine that was feasted at Mark's house on the night of the Last Supper.
It was prepared by Marco's mother. Mark's house was located behind the Garden of Gethsemane, so his mother must have bought the wine here. Christ said this is "my blood".
The grapes of Gethsemane were an extremely "treasured" Jerusalem souvenir.

This second crusade brought back two types of grape seedlings.
One was Pinot Noir and one was Gamay.
And in the fourth crusade, Duke Thibault II of Champagne brought back Chardonnay.
The Pinot Noir went to an abbey in Burgundy. Gamay to Beaujolais.
The Chardonnay of Duke Thibault, who became a major sponsor of the Cistercian school, was planted on the hillsides of the Sullan Valley where the villages of Champagne and Chablis are located.









