
Let's talk about Canadian wine.08/おわりに・近未来を見つめて






Throughout the history of the world, there are only three colonies created since the Age of Discovery that have been both independent and successful: the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Canada, and the Commonwealth of Australia.
The United States of America, the Commonwealth of Canada and the Commonwealth of Australia. Only the United States of America has been a great success.
They all started out as colonies from the British, then gradually accepted Eastern Europeans and then non-whites, and the United States of America is the only one that has been very successful. And it is the same way that it has swept over the native peoples. After all, this is where the colonies' independence ended in frustration. The moment we ask the indigenous peoples for national dignity and autonomy, we start internal conflicts ... sadly, but it is true.

However, it is extremely difficult to run a state as a multi-ethnic collective. This is also fraught with various internal conflicts. In that sense, the fact that India, the predecessor of the multi-ethnic nation, introduced the caste system early on is very useful.
There is a hidden "caste system" in the three successful colonial cases mentioned above in the present day. That is to say, not racial discrimination, but racial distinction.
Incidentally, the present India has failed in this. India, in order to break down the caste system, gave all classes of people an equal opportunity of education. It touted humanism. But it was mainly the sudras at the bottom of the pile who took advantage of that opportunity, as it turned out.
They left the country as soon as they carried the weapon of education with them. This is because there is no caste outside the country. Equal educational opportunities in accordance with humanitarianism does not produce a return on the amount of money invested, as a nation, it only suffers from the loss of human resources. Ironic, isn't it?
Incidentally, this is also true in Japan, where a significant number of students who graduated from Kokugaku University are now being shipped overseas. Although a large part of the cost of education for students of Kokugaku University is covered by taxation.
They will leave their families in Japan (i.e., marry other Japanese) and go overseas as intelligent migrant workers. I want to call this the Filipinoization of Japan. The Philippines gets 1/3 of its GDP from income earned abroad.

Sorry. I'm trying to talk about Canada's multi-racial population, but again, the makings are long (^o^;;

Canadians use the word mosaic to describe their country, which is made up of many different races, as opposed to the American melting pot. In other words, in Canada, races don't melt (they don't melt together), they are separated with clear boundaries and overlap congestively.
This is especially clear after the war, when we opened our doors wide to non-whites in Asia and the Middle East.
Today, Canada welcomes roughly 300,000 to 400,000 immigrants a year. But, you see, the increase in non-whites is only in urban areas. The only non-whites in rural areas are the business owners/employees of Indian/Chinese food, etc. This is because farmers do not employ non-whites. Even in Upper Canada, where cultivation was relatively slow, they did not accept such non-whites.The reality is that we had our hands full just to fight Inuit. This trend remains the same today.

The ratio of non-whites to European immigrants is already close to half in urban areas, but rural areas are still all white.
In the past, Canada was a country where there was a huge racial divide between rich and poor. But that is now being replaced by a distorted form. Rich Chinese. Rich Koreans are coming to Canada. Especially because a large number of them have become permanent residents of British Columbia. White Canadians see this as the "new Yellow Peril". What form this will take...so far, no one has been able to figure out. But there will always be some change that will start somewhere. Because, as mentioned above, a lot of "justice" is born out of jealousy and hatred. In the last few years, Canada will once again peristalize in a big way.
What we should be thinking about now as we drink Canadian wine is the near future of that Canada.
