Do we need to know any tips for enjoying Japanese feast?
In your countries, Is Christmas the event for the family or New Year's Day?
Traditionally, in Japan, we gather around on the New Year's Day and give a feast.
Either way, from in the end of December to the begging of January, we have a lot of opportunities to have massive food ( and less exercise due to the coldness!).
If you are pregnant or breastfeed-mum, do we have any food to avoid regarding traditional Japanese feast?
On the new year's eve, some have soba noodle as we wish healthy and long life, and then we have Osechi ( like luxury lunch box) on New Year's Eve.
In Osechi, you might see unsual ingredients such as Omochi (rice cakes), black beans and Herring roe.
There is no food you need to avoid actually, but some of them contains a lot of sodium and sugar, too.
(Do you know one of common ways to have omochi? It's with sugar and soy source!)
You might need to be a bit careful what we had around this period but enjoy yourself and spoil yourself a lot! You deserve it! ;)
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