Why do Japanese pregnant women eat raw-eggs?

In your country, do your midwife or doctor advise you not to have uncooked or soft boiled/porched eggs?

However, have you seen Japanese ( even pregnant women ) have raw-eggs with rice and soy sauce?
Are they allowed to or do they have super immune/digestive system?

Actually, the differences between your country and Japan regarding eggs are the process before shipping from factory/farm to your local supermarket.

While I was living in York, United Kingdom, I often see the small feathers or some dirt on the egg shells when I opened the pack of eggs, while it's really rare chance to see them when I did in Japan unless you buy them from the farm directly.

There is a few strict process such us washing, sterilization and checking before the eggs are packed so that we have a less chance to be infected or get food poison by them.

To avoid having eggs completely during pregnancy or not is your choice.
If you are craving fluffy scramble eggs or runny porched eggs, just listen to your heart and body.
There is the answer for you!


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