Touch the NATURE

Touch the NATURE



ご覧いただきありがとうございます。 同志社大学4年次在籍の木本です。 現在、OldCordを経営しながら、隙間時間にこれを書いています。経営とはいっても、社員は僕とわんこの2人体制。給与は毎日2回のカリカリさん。(我が家ではドックフードをこう呼ぶ。) 学生で起業なんてすごいな、とか言ってくれる友人が多くて、あたかも本当にすごくなったかのような錯覚を起こしそうですが、実際は毎日泥臭いことの積み重ねです。 本記事は学生が終わる前に、自身の備忘録として、また知人に見られるとい

    • Better Than Nothing

      OldCord donated a portion of this year's proceeds to the following charities

      • CareerForum@World Bank

        I attended a lecture at the World Bank. At the end of the lengthy career forum, I was asked, "For example, I assume that when the World Bank executes investment operations, there is often a possibility that it will butt heads with local t

        • Gratitude in everyday life

          Thank you for visiting. As of 2022/3. With the recent situation in Ukraine and the increasingly violent war situation, a distressing scene is unintentionally coming to light. Tension is rising day by day in Japan as well, and under such


          In the FOREST

          Thank you for reading. We are approaching the end of this year's mountain stream season. The 21 season that I had been looking forward to so much has passed in a blink of an eye, and I can count the number of fish I have encountered on bot

          The Importance of Escape

          If you want to be happy for an hour, drink. If you want to be happy for three days, get married. If you want to be happy forever, learn to fish. There is a Chinese proverb that goes something like this: "If you want to be happy for an ho

          The Importance of Escape

          The Spool

          Thank you for taking a look. I am wondering what kind of direct reel do you use in mountain streams? I have settled on Langley's Streamlight and LureCast after trying them out in various ways, and these two are at the top of my product li

          What's the OLDCORD

          Thank you for taking a look at our website. We have received a question from a customer about Old Cord, so we would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce Old Cord. Old Cord is a custom spool store (that's why we are always sh

          What's the OLDCORD

          Creating a new business

          The business plan has been completed. First, Search for " Nara Prefecture rich person " The only hits I get are scary sites.

          Creating a new business