
「買ってよかったもの」の反対 / The opposite of 'things I'm glad I bought'





  • 家の中に物が少ないと掃除が楽になる

  • 家が片付いていると、よりリラックスした雰囲気が生まれ、精神的健康が改善され、ストレスが軽減されます

  • 使わなくなったアイテムはより良い家に送られ、誰かが使ってくれる

  • 家に物が少ない場合、物をより早く簡単に見つけることができます。

  • 持っているものを大切にすることにつながるので、もっと大切にしたい

  • 長持ちしない可能性のある安価な大量生産品ではなく、より高品質の品物を購入することになります。

2023 年のトップエリミネーションアイテム


  • 気に入らなくて使わなくなった靴下や下着

  • 似合わなくなった服やサイズが合わなくなった服

  • 昔のスキンケアやメイクアップ

  • 使わなくなったハンドバッグ

  • 履き心地が悪かった靴

  • 装飾用の枕や毛布など、手入れや保管に負担がかかる室内装飾品

  • 好きじゃなくなったお茶(冷蔵庫や食器棚の消臭剤代わりに使っていました)

  • 二度と読むつもりがなかった本




Original text in English:

In the note special feature page, I saw the tag "things I'm glad I bought" in 2023. That made me think about the things I'm glad I got rid of instead.

I am focusing on simplifying my life which includes reducing the amount of things I own. There are many benefits of reducing what we own (elimination). 

Benefits of Elimination

  • Easier to clean the home where there is less items in the home

  • A decluttered home leads to a more relaxed atmosphere that improves mental health and reduces stress

  • Items no longer used can go to a better home where someone will use them

  • It is quicker and easier to find items when there is less of them in the home

  • It leads to an appreciation of items I keep, so I want to take care of them more

  • It leads to buying better quality items instead of cheaper, mass produced items that may not last as long

2023 Top Elimination Items

So, what I am glad I got rid of in 2023 is as follows:

  • Socks and underwear that I didn't like and stopped using

  • Clothing that no longer suited me or didn't fit properly

  • Old skincare and makeup

  • Handbags that I no longer used

  • Shoes that were uncomfortable

  • Home decor items that were a burden to look after and store, like decorative pillows and blankets

  • Tea that I no longer liked (I used these as odour absorbers for the fridge and cupboards instead)

  • Books that I wasn't going to read again

I feel much lighter owning less. It made my home look neater and I feel like it is easier to relax in my home. I will be continuing this habit for next year until I own even less. I'm looking forward to it.

By the way, when I write elimination, I mean selling, donating and recycling these items. If I cannot do any of these, as a last resort these items are thrown away (which always makes me feel guilty).

Thank you for reading my article. I am a British woman living in London, UK and write about living a simple life, minimalism, organisation and attaining financial independence.




