
The Forger of Iron Spirits / 鉄の精を打つ者


Bori Kiyonori was born in 1956 and raised in Mizumaki, a district of Kitakyushu, Japan, renowned as one of the largest steel cities in the country.

After graduating from the Faculty of Arts at Kyushu Industrial University in 1981, Bori's childhood fascination with iron led him to develop a unique bond with the city's vast iron mills. He gained access to raw materials and machinery typically off-limits to outsiders, enabling him to embark on crafting large-scale solid iron sculptures.

As a young and up-and-coming artist, Bori made significant strides in the art world. He hosted dozens of solo shows and created numerous public art monuments over the span of a decade. Additionally, he organized industry-wide international symposiums, attracting renowned artists such as Frank Stella, Phillip King, David Mach, and Ushio Shinohara, all of whom visited the city to participate alongside Bori himself.

However, in the fall of 1992, he ceased creating new works.

In 2021, he returned to creation with "TETSU-GU," a monumental iron statue inspired by "DO-GU" clay figurines from ancient Jomon period of Japan. It took thirty years for Bori to rediscover his true artistic path. Embracing the concept of "WABI," or the "Peace of Beauty," and invoking the spirits of iron through sincere prayers, his "Face Period" marks a new phase in his artistic journey. He is now moving forward for an exhibition in NY.

Scroll down to see Public Monuments by BORI.

Discover more about BORI and his recent works showcasing small-scale 'Iron Spirits': Artist report "Fantasy Iron Realm" by MAZKIYO

Production process with industrial machinery: Forging Bori's Way

"TESU-GU" (2023) sits peacefully in a shrine, adorned with a smiling face, while wrath and weeping faces adorn its back. / 神社に鎮座する『鐵偶』(’23)の柔和な笑み面。怒り面と泣き面が背後にある。






アーティスト掘り下げ読み物 『火と祈りとファンタジー』 by MAZKIYO


Public Monuments by BORI / 公共モニュメント作品

'Face Period' (2021 and on going) / 2021年以降〝顔の時代〟
'Abstract Period' (Before 1992) / 1992年以前〝抽象の時代〟
'Abstract Period' (Before 1992) - Bori's early works somehow share a serene resonance akin to Buddha statues." / 1992年以前〝抽象の時代〟どこかしら仏像的な荘厳さを感じさせる
'Abstract Period' (Before 1992) / 1992年以前〝抽象の時代〟
'Abstract Period' (Before 1992) / 1992年以前〝抽象の時代〟
'Abstract Period' (Before 1992) / 1992年以前〝抽象の時代〟
'Abstract Period' (Before 1992) / 1992年以前〝抽象の時代〟
'Abstract Period' (Before 1992) / 1992年以前〝抽象の時代〟
Created in '87 and '89 (left to right) and exhibited at the 'International Iron Sculpture Symposium' he organized in '92. / 『国際鉄彫刻シンポジウム』主催・展示作品(制作年 右'87、左’89)
'Gulliver' made with millions of trashed cans '92 / 空き缶100万個を使用した『ガリバー』'92

➡ Discover more about BORI and his recent works showcasing small-scale 'Iron Spirits' series: Artist report "Fantasy Iron Realm" by MAZKIYO

Production process with industrial machinery: Forging Bori's Way

もっと作品をご覧になるには:アーティスト掘り下げ読み物 『火と祈りとファンタジー

工業機械を使った制作とは? 思想背景を紐解く

Bori poses with his iron sculpture beside his mountain café (left) and his exhibit shack under the cherry blossoms (right) / 母里と彼の作品と山の中の展示小屋と桜

Sleepy Cafe NICO
1658-2 Hei, Kama-city, Fukuoka, JAPAN
Tel: 0948-52-6303 E-Mail: sleepy.cafe.nico@gmail.com

sleepy cafe NICO 敷地内
福岡県嘉麻かまへい 1658-2
Tel: 0948-52-6303 E-Mail: sleepy.cafe.nico@gmail.com

©2024 Kiyo "MAZKIYO" Matsumoto All International Rights Reserved.
