

This magazine "PROMPTS! PROMPTS!" features Matsunoya's unique perspective on prompt input…


" The Panther " in the museum |Image Creator powered by DALL E 3

" The Panther " in the museum |Image Creator powered by DALL E 3

Hello! This is Mats.
Did you like White Day's "The Panther"?
If you haven't seen it yet, please check out this article.

Make a White Day card with paper craft | Powered by DALL E 3, Microsoft Designe

Image Creator で油絵を描く|ドアとひまわりの在る風景 - 或いは, 1890年代の夏, 1910年代の夏 -

Image Creator で油絵を描く|ドアとひまわりの在る風景 - 或いは, 1890年代の夏, 1910年代の夏 -

タイトルは、「ドアとひまわりの在る風景」です。( ;∀;)/


描いた風景の年代は、1890 - 1910年代風のつもり。大好きな時代です。


ですが、AIがわかってくれたか…不明です。( ;∀;)/


Make a White Day card with paper craft | part of all prompts (4/4)

Make a White Day card with paper craft | part of all prompts (4/4)

Hello! This is Mats.
We have introduced 144 papercraft-style cards for White Day created using Microsoft Designer and Image Creator, powered by DALL E 3.

Make a White Day card with paper craft | Powe

Make a White Day card with paper craft | part of all prompts (3/4)

Make a White Day card with paper craft | part of all prompts (3/4)

Hello! This is Mats.
We have introduced 144 papercraft-style cards for White Day created using Microsoft Designer and Image Creator, powered by DALL E 3.

Make a White Day card with paper craft | Powe

Make a White Day card with paper craft | part of all prompts (2/4)

Make a White Day card with paper craft | part of all prompts (2/4)

Hello! This is Mats.
We have introduced 144 papercraft-style cards for White Day created using Microsoft Designer and Image Creator, powered by DALL E 3.

Make a White Day card with paper craft | Powe

Make a White Day card with paper craft | part of all prompts (1/4)

Make a White Day card with paper craft | part of all prompts (1/4)

Hello! This is Mats.
We have introduced 144 papercraft-style cards for White Day created using Microsoft Designer and Image Creator, powered by DALL E 3.

Make a White Day card with paper craft | Powe

Hey Copilot! "Fly me to the moon. Let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like. On a-Jupiter and Mars. In other words, ..."

Hey Copilot! "Fly me to the moon. Let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like. On a-Jupiter and Mars. In other words, ..."

2/1 は何の日? 知らない。でも、朝、PCにログインして、いつも通り、Windows ボタンを推したら、さりげなく宇宙に招待してくれる New Bing ちゃんがいた😊ので、誘われるままに、火星のスペースポートへと旅立ってみましたー( ;∀;)/

New Bing ちゃんが、すごく上手に、気合の入った💦宇宙観のある絵画を描いてくれた。
この note で皆さんにお披露目したいと思います🥹
