
(1分読み)ユニバーサルデザイン(UD)の教科書60 情報のユニバーサルデザインが世界を変える


Universal Design of Information Changes the World

1. what is universal design?

Universal design sounds a bit difficult, doesn't it? But it is actually a very simple concept. It refers to design that aims to be "easy to use" for everyone. It is a concept that allows all of us with various differences in age, gender, nationality, physical characteristics, etc. to enjoy information and services in the same way.

Why is universal design of information important?

Information is an indispensable part of our lives in this day and age. News, weather forecasts, keeping in touch with friends.... But isn't it a bit lonely when some people do not have access to information? Universal design of information is a step toward eliminating that loneliness.

3. universal design of information in a familiar example

Perhaps your smartphone or computer has a function that changes the size of text or reads the screen out loud. These are functions for people with visual or hearing difficulties. But in fact, large text is gentle on tired eyes, and it is also convenient to listen to the news in audio while cooking. In this way, designs that are easy for everyone to use enrich the lives of each and every one of us.

4. universal design of information that brings smiles to everyone's faces

A world where everyone has fair access to information. A world where people can make new friends, hobbies, and job opportunities. And above all, a world where everyone can live with a smile on their face. Universal design of information helps create such a wonderful future.

5. universal design of information in the future

Universal design of information in the future will make our lives even more convenient and enjoyable, and may even provide us with more exciting information experiences using new technologies such as AI and VR.

Finally, universal design of information is something that each of us can expand upon. I believe that we can create a more wonderful world by gradually making the information around us easier to use for everyone. Why don't you join us in this effort?

1. ユニバーサルデザインって何?


2. どうして情報のユニバーサルデザインが大切なの?


3. 身近な例で見る情報のユニバーサルデザイン


4. みんなの笑顔を増やす、情報のユニバーサルデザイン


5. これからの情報のユニバーサルデザイン



Think Universality.
Think Difference.

